sâmbătă, 31 iulie 2010

Need Corporate Capital? Take Your Company Public

By James Scott

Most companies who are on the venture capital trail are not set up properly to attract investors. When an investor looks at your business plan and private placement memorandum they are looking for certain things. Of course funding sources look for the obvious, a solid business model, positive cash flow, industry genre with solid future growth, recession proof business (if there even is such a thing) and minimal debt.

Countless companies are turned down for funding because they lack the basics such as: an advisory board, board of directors, solid executive staff with a well groomed pedigree, reasonable share price, business plan and PPM that spell out the risks for the investor and an original marketing strategy that covers all the angles. These are just a few of the most common mistakes that companies make out of naivety and by not taking the time to hire an expert to properly structure them to make the entity appeal to investors.

Seasoned expansion and turn-around consultants can step into a company and immediately zone in on the issues that will hinder a client's investment magnetism. Often times it only takes 2 to 3 weeks to completely reorganize a company to make it stand out like a beacon in the turbulent finance industry. If you are seriously considering the idea of raising capital with a private placement memorandum, traditional institutional loans, venture capital or a public offering don't be penny wise and dollar foolish.

Spend some money and hire a consultant who is completely submerged in the finance industry to take control of the elements of your corporation that are seen as 'black eyes' to investors so that you can achieve the capital you're seeking.

The reality is, raising capital for your company is easy and straight forward if you've taken the time to examine your business objectively and sought out the expert analysis of an industry expert consultant who will run your company through a formula and make the necessary changes to increase your ability to raise capital.

About the Author:

vineri, 30 iulie 2010

The 6 Most Common Myths That Nobody Explains To The People Who Are In Debt.

By Miguel Pancardo

Yeah, these myths have been spread very fast, and there are some trues you really need to know, one of the best examples is that you need a professional agency to do it for you, even though they can help you do it, you can do it for yourself. I did it so can you!, our next step will be to revel the truth from some of the most common myths about credit repair and debt consolidation issues.

Myth 1: I can't do it by myself, professionals needs to handle this situation.

You may need help in many areas of your life, but credit repair and debt consolidation is not one of them, believe me you can do it, if I did it you can do it too. I still remember the first time I saw my credit report and realized I had some late payments, a judgment and some other stuff, in that moment my first thought was "I need immediate help with this" after getting some good education on the topic I was able to do it all by myself and now I am going to give you the best education possible on these topics (debt consolidation, credit repair, and debt management) so you can face this problem by yourself. After I had my credit report in my hands I started noticing some huge mistakes, some of these mistakes were from the creditor, some others were from the credit bureau, and after making some more research I realized that anywhere from 75% to 90% of credit reports contain errors.

Myth 2: You can not fix your bad credit.

Not at all, having a bad credit rating does not mean you can't fix it, it may take you some time to do it, but you can definitely do it. There are several avenues to repair your credit, build positive lines of credit and returning to the good credit path. One of my most embarrassing stories occured when I was applying for a Banana Republic card and I was denied in the middle of a very important Holiday. Improving your credit is just a matter of getting the right education on the right topics and with my videos you will get all the education you need.

Myth 3: You just have one credit Score.

The reality is that you have 3 credit scores, they are from the major credit reporting agencies, all 3 show different scores, so when applying for credit one company may use a different report than others, it is always good to check your credit score through the 3 bureaus, because scores can vary a lot among them.

Myth 4: If you check you credit this will lower your score.

There are two types of inquiries that will appear on your credit report: hard and soft inquiries. Hard inquiries are from companies you wish to get credit from. These will affect your credit score. Soft inquiries are usually when you check your credit report online or from companies obtaining your information for promotional purposes. Soft inquiries don't affect your score.

Myth 5: If you are shopping around for a Loan your score will be lower.

This is one of the most common myths, remember that if you are looking for credit from several vendors (mortgage, car loans, home loans, etc...), all these inquiries will appear in your credit report just once but remember that this just applies if the same kind of inquiry is made within 14 days, the only exception to this rule are credit cards.

Myth 6: The Only Way To Improve My Score Is To Remove All Negative Items

This is true, but ONLY one piece of the credit repair puzzle. Although, getting negative items removed from your score will raise it, building "positive credit" is what will build your score further. Have you ever been turned down for having no credit? In other words, you don't have any "positive credit" built up with credit card companies.

Free advice about credit cards: "How To Reduce Your Credit Card Interest Rate With One Simple Phone Call"

It is more simple than you think, here is what you have to do: Get your telephone, dial their number and ask them to reduce your interest rate!!! just like that, by the way, tell them that you have sitting in front of you a credit card with a lower interest than the one they are offering you. Maybe a zero percent rate for the first 6 months, which after that period will turn into an 8% rate. If you have a higher rate this technique will help you to lower it. Tell them that you are thinking of transferring your balance unless they decrease your interest rate, if you don't get a deal with the operator ask to talk with the supervisor, in most cases the threat to leave them is the key.

About the Author:

joi, 29 iulie 2010

A Little About Greek Mythology

By Danielle Matthews

Greek mythologies are legends about ancient Greeks and the origins of their own culture and religious practices. It also contains collection of arts like paintings and votive gifts. Iliad an epic poem and Odyssey are the oldest Greek literary sources.

Greeks were Polytheistic, this means they believed and worshiped in different gods. Greek gods represent different forms of nature. The most powerful gods of Greek were known as Olympians.

Few major God and Goddesses of Greek mythology include:- Zeus - King of the Gods, Hera - Queen of the Gods, Ares - god of war, Hades - god of the underworld, Poseidon - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses and Athena - goddess of wisdom, war, patriotism and good citizenship.

The OLYMPIANS were a group of deities who shared a common belief. Olympians was basically ruled by zeus. Zeus is the strongest of all. Olympians belong to the family if immortals who rule earth and sky.

The Titans, the Olympians, the Lessor Gods are the three main categories of Greek god. Titans are also referred to as elder gods and ruled until the Olympians overthrew them. Cronus was the ruler of titans and was dethroned by his son Zeus. Titans were associated with several other planets during their rule. After the overthrow of titans a group of twelve gods ruled and they was none other than the Olympians, they are named after Mount Olympus- place from where they hail.

Perseus, Theseus, Bellerophon, Atlanta, Heracles, Meleager are the heroes of Greek myth. The movie "Clash Of Titans" is based on the myth of Perseus. The story of the film is really very interesting and the action is just worth a shot. The film starts with a narration which explains how the three Olympians Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades battled the titans and overthrew them.

After struggling for a long time Zeus became the King of the Gods, Poseidon ruled the Seas, and their brother, Hades ruled the underworld in chaos and terror. "Clash Of Titans" is a fantasy-adventure which is a remake of the film made in 1981 having the same name. This film is basically based on the Greek mythology of Persia. This Sam Worthington movie was released on 2nd April 2010. The shoot for the film began On April 27, 2009 in London at Shepperton Studios. Some particular scenes for the film were also shot in Wales, Canary Islands and Ethiopia.

Greek myths are fantastic and have adventurous stories. They are very realistic and interesting at the same time. Greek mythology is one of the richest elements of Greek culture, which enriches it and makes it unique in the world.

About the Author:

miercuri, 28 iulie 2010

Why Nobody Gave Me This Facts Before I Got Into Debt Consolidation?

By Miguel Pancardo

The debt consolidation business is based in borrowing money from one lender to pay off outstanding debts with a better interest rates, one of the advantages of this process is that it starts to have one single debtor to whom will manage the monthly payments to the previous lenders.

Important steps to consider if interested in the debt consolidation process:

* From every account you want to consolidate, you should add them all up to know the total amount you owe. * Make a list of interest rates with each of your accounts, and set the average of this rate. * Start calling your creditors and ask them the cancellation of the cash balances as of the date it intends to consolidate debts. * The entire amount of their balances of cancellation should be the initial amount to start the consolidation. * When looking for a lender, the rate you need to look for should be lower than average in the previous calculation. * Always ask for the terms of the loan and plan accordingly. * Once you have consolidated your debts control your finance and avoid getting in the same problem. The previous considerations applies to individuals living in countries that accept what is called the "Toronto terms", this name comes from the agreement established in the World Economic Summit in Toronto in June1988. They were applied to the countries designated by the World Bank as "IDA-only" borrowers who had a very heavy debt, low per capital income and balance of payments problems. These countries should have strong structural adjustment programs supported by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND.

The fundamental principles of the Toronto terms are concessional terms for the debts of the Development Assistance and the introduction of a menu of conditions for payment of the debt that is not development assistance.

The debt of the ODA have two main characteristics a maturity of 25 years and 14 years of extension, the initial rate will be higher than the default interest rate. Debts different than the Development Assistance ones, the creditors can choose from a menu of 3 payment terms.

Option A: one third of consolidated debt will be canceled and returned with a remaining maturity of 14 years, including 8-year extension, default interest will be marked by the market.

Option B: repayment in 25 years with 14 years of extension and default interest will be marked by the market.

Last option: The same than the first option (option A) but here the default rates is 3.5 percentage points below the market rate (depending on further reductions)

In December 1991 the Paris Club agreed to add to the menu of concessions to countries with lower incomes, (the Terms of Toronto added) that there are essentially 2 options to reduce debt, plus the option non concessional new conditions of Toronto. The option represents a 50% concession of forgiveness in present value terms in debt service payments, lowering the debt during the consolidation period. Additionally, it was agreed to establish a timetable for consideration of a potential debt reduction. Creditors have indicated willingness to consider restructuring the remaining time when the debt is canceled on a date not later than 3 or 4 years.

About the Author:

marți, 27 iulie 2010

Your Healthy Body = A Healthy Marriage

By Margaret Hardisty

Mary was always thin when she was growing up. However, her figure tended to move outward a bit when it came to her thighs. Still, she was very attractive and looked good in her clothes. After she'd had three children, though, her body began to move outward all over. She liked the fact that it gave her bigger breasts, but the rest was depressing to her. Actually, she was feeling trapped. Her husband was working overtime to deal with additional costs and had little time to help her with the kids.

Her unhappiness began to chip away at their relationship. Although he never mentioned her weight, she felt on the ugly side and took her frustrations out on him. He fought back and when other things began to pound at them, such as huge bills and a job loss, she decided the only way out of the whole mess was to get divorced. She no longer wanted to save the marriage.

Despite her foolish decision, she realized that she couldn't go it alone . She hadn't finished her education and at best she could get a low paying job. She also didn't want to lose her children. She'd have to find another man, that was all, and to do so, she needed to lose weight.

Her decisions devastated her husband who didn't spot the signs soon enough, and once he did, he refused to change anything he was doing to save his marriage. He wanted her to change, not him. She changed, all right, but not in the way that would save their marriage. Still, part of what she should have done several years before, she did now. She took an extreme response to dieting that did lose her weight. A lot of it.

She changed, all right, but not in the way that would save their marriage. Still, part of what she should have done several years before, she did now. She started regulating her diet - stringently - and she lost weight. A lot of it. She also found another man and had an affair. The man was a dog, but because she was running from her hurt - and trying to run from herself as well as her husband - she couldn't see that. The "dog" went his way, in time, and she scouted for another guy, found him - another dog - and in time, he went his way. Meanwhile she filed for divorce, and continued to do what she could to make her figure better. V:3

The question is: Why couldn't she realize that her overeating and not taking care of her body was part of the whole picture of unhappiness that she was experiencing and that it eventually would result in the loss of her marriage? Why couldn't her ex-husband see that, as well, and do something about it before it was too late? The overweight was a symptom, not the basic problem.

If overweight is a monster gnawing at you, determine to do something about it now so you don't lose your marriage Being overweight is a symptom of a much deeper emotional problem. Problems can cause emotional stress and physical illness and it all can tie in with being overweight. The body is a marvelous machine. All parts work together and affect one another.

Keep in mind, when the ball comes swishing toward your bat, you're the only one who can be there swinging. Either you practice until you hit it or you drop your bat and trot back to the dugout. You have to do it yourself. This is one thing you must do on your own. We have quite a bit of material on this at Love Relationship Headquarters. And as far as your marriage is concerned, no matter how bad or boring you think it may be, unless it is abusive, it's worth saving - not only for your sake but for your husband's and your children's.

We have quite a bit of material on this at Love Relationship Headquarters. And as far as your marriage is concerned, no matter how bad or boring you think it may be, unless it is abusive, it's worth saving - not only for your sake but for your husband's and your children's. We show you how, not only to save your marriage, but how to make it better and, frankly, exciting. Get started on our materials and books today so your home will be a happy, peaceful one, not one filled with strife and fat bodies.

Dr. Vance Hardisty International Speaker and Author Margaret Hardisty International Best Selling Author and Speaker Love Relationship Headquarters www.loverelationshipheadquarters.com

About the Author:

luni, 26 iulie 2010

I Want My Ex Back Now!

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

When two people break up, it is typically because one or both parties are not seeing eye to eye on anything. When you realize that you have lost something great, you may be kicking yourself and mumbling "I want my ex back". Take a look into these tips that are guaranteed to help you get your ex back.

The very first thing that you want to do is keep your distance and let you ex have their space. Obviously the two of you need a little bit of distance between each other, so make sure that you respect them and give them their time. This means, no talking on the phone, no text messages, anything of the sort needs to be avoided.

While you are giving your ex some space, you may need to reflect on yourself and think about what you can change as a person. You may not even realize that there are changes to be made until you completely walk away. Now, you may not like what you see, but if you can look past the bad stuff, then you can look deeper. Making some changes in your life might make all of the difference!

When you talk to you friends and you plainly state, "I want my ex back", they may suggest a meeting between the two of you. After all time and space has been given, the two of you may actually be ready to go.

Talk about everything and make sure that you let them express how they have been feeling. If you can do all of this, then chances are, you will be able to get your ex back, and who knows, maybe the second time around will be even better than the first time around!

I think you should know that in order to really get your ex back you need to take a while to read what I have just told you because if you don't know what to do then you might lose your ex forever!

About the Author:

duminică, 25 iulie 2010

You May Want To Try A Telepathy Test?

By Rickie Evans

Many different telepathy test are available to you. All of which can help you in measuring your psychic abilities. Although there is an element of luck with them, however, over time and many trials the results will determine if you do have telepathic abilities or whether you are merely guessing.

The simpler test for telepathy are developed to see if you have any ability as a psychic. Many other tests are to measure the range of your strength in this skill.

It is best to keep in mind that all of the telepathic skill-set includes ESP, precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance. And developing one may lead to an increase in other powers of telepathy by default.

It's possible to access your own sub-conscious using meditation and deep breathing exercises that help to open your mind and expand your focus. These exercises can often help you access more aspects of your psychic and telepathic skills and help to develop that part of your mind responsible for these skills.

Regardless the amount of your telepathic or psychic powers, at the moment, your telepathy skills and the strength range of your skills can be developed even further. It is, however, hard to know in what area you may need improvement. This can be accomplished with a telepathy test.

Here Is A Solo Telepathy Test

The quickest solo telepathy test you can use is to try and predict who's calling you whenever the telephone rings. If you're using a cell phone with caller ID, don't look at the screen. Take a moment to concentrate and think about who wants to talk to you.

Before you answer the phone make a good guess. You can do this for the next several calls you get and write down the results. With this test you can get an idea of the level of your telepathic ability.

Many people have reported knowing they knew who it was before they answered the phone. This is, however, on a unconscious level. You can learn to take this ability and focus on it, consciously, over time.

Here Is A Quick Psychic Test

Sometimes it's possible to test your psychic ability with a simple prop, like a coin. It's important to find a quiet spot to sit before you begin the test. Be sure you won't be interrupted or distracted by noisy TVs or sudden sounds.

Relax and clear your mind by taking a little time to exercise. Do deep breathing, this will help to relax you. After this you take a coin and toss it in the air and predict which side it will land on. Heads or tails. Mark your results after several attempts.

You have a 50/50 chance of making a correct guess. However, any score over 50% might show a definite psychic ability that can be developed further.

Basic Telepathy Test

The simplest form of testing for telepathy are the cards. Two people would be needed to use the form of testing with psychic flash cards.

Choose a quiet location where you can both concentrate without interruptions and sit facing each other. One person needs to be the sender and the other will be the receiver. The person you've chosen to be the sender needs to send an image of the picture on the flash card without allowing the receiver to see the card directly.

This can take quite a bit of practice for the sender to focus and concentrate on the image they want the receiver to pick up.

The individual receiving needs to concentrate on any impressions they are seeing in their mind. No second guessing here. First impressions - just name the first image that comes into your head.

Write down your responses after you have used the entire pack of flash cards. Take into the account the element of luck, however, some responses could just be a lucky guess. The incidence of correct answers that are high could indicate latent psychic abilities. And these abilities could , with a little patience, be developed further.

But keeping in mind this is not always the best test to use for telepathy abilities. Because this other individual's level of psychic ability may be weak and they may not send you strong images. The results may not be good because of this.

Here is an Intermediate Telepathy Test

When you notice that you are improving in results with the basic telepathy test it's time for you to increase your range a bit more. Conducting the basic telepathy card test would be the easiest way to do this. Instead of sitting across from each other - use separate rooms and a monitor, listen/hearing devise to verify received images.

Once again, this step could take a little practice and patients, as it's often more difficult to send images telepathically over a longer distance, but it's also a little harder to pick up images with the chance of distraction interfering with results.

There are many telepathy tests you can use to not only check for the presence of psychic ability but also to practice and strengthen your telepathic skills. The best way to choose a telepathy test is to work with one that suits your schedule and feels comfortable for you.

About the Author:

sâmbătă, 24 iulie 2010

Se7en, With Brad Pitt, Is Well Worth Seeing

By Zachary Boyer

By reading into an article like this one, you more than likely are hoping to learn a little more about perhaps one of the most influential films to be released in 1995, Se7en. It is pronounced seven, and through the later paragraphs of this piece you will learn a little more about the movie with a plot synopsis and some other important details that you should know to fully appreciate the film.

You are going to be fairly warned in advance, though. This article will likely contain some spoilers to the plot of this film. In order to adequately do the film any justice in discussing it, such spoilers are going to be necessary. So if you have not seen this film, the movie and its plot will be discussed in full in the later paragraphs of this article.

The film begins with a brief introduction to two of the main characters through the film, Detective William Somerset and Detective David Mills. The two have been partnered together and it isn't long before they are both on the case investigating two very unique murders unlike anything either of them had ever seen before.

One of these murders involves a severely obese man who appears to have been force fed to death. Fed so much in fact, that his stomach has burst open entirely which kills him. The other, involves a greedy lawyer. The interesting additions to these scenes would be the words "GLUTTONY" and "GREED" at the respective crime locations of the obese man and the corrupt lawyer.

It is not a lengthy amount of time before the pieces reveal that these murders are relative to the seven deadly sins from Biblical teachings. So while they have discovered two, that leaves five that have already happened or will happen. Now it is a race against the clock to locate the next victims. This is a pursuit that ends more seconds too late than anything.

To add to the drama of the film, the main suspect known as John Doe gives himself over to Mills and Somerset and even offers up a full confession after he is able to take them to the location of the last two victims. They agree, and it isn't long before the lives of everyone left in the story will change forever, but you shouldn't hear about all of that from an article.

There are powerful performances by Brad Pitt (Detective Mills) and Kevin Spacey (John Doe). Even as impressive as these performances are, they are equally as impacting as the supporting roles from Morgan Freeman (Detective Somerset) and Gwenyth Paltrow as the wife of Detective Mills, Tracy. This all star ensemble brought this chilling piece to the screen unlike anyone else could have. It was as horrific as it was an instant classic and a must-see.

This movie could have possibly been one of the best movies to be released in the 90s and has skyrocketed to become one of the most acclaimed crime dramas of all time. So if you have not seen Se7en, than you should. Be advised, though, this movie is not for the faint of heart and certainly not for children.

About the Author:

vineri, 23 iulie 2010

Finding A Debt Solution Is Easy

By Bart O'Shea

Being in a financial bind is a situation that many of us are familiar with. Sometimes, even when we are being good with our payments and budgets, things happen that can through us into a financial hold - be it a medical emergency or sudden unemployment. When getting out of debt becomes difficult to impossible it is time to look to a debt solution. One great option is a debt management program, or DMP.

DMP's are available through either credit counseling agencies or through online vendors and work by negotiating on your behalf with creditors and collection agencies to lower the rates on your bills which reduces your monthly payment and makes it more feasible for you to pay down your debt.

You can bundle a number of bills under a debt solution like DMP be they medical, credit card, or even student loans. Knowing whether or not you need a DMP is simple. Do you have so many bills that managing them seems impossible? Have you tried to set up a repayment plan on your own but it wasn't effective? Are you receiving collection calls during the day? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, it may be time to seek the help of a DMP.

The benefits of a debt management program include the lowering of both your interest rates and monthly payments, a waiving of your late and over the limit fees, no more collection calls, and only one singular payment instead of the variety of bills you were juggling prior.

Look into any potential debt company profile, background, and testimonials before making your decision. Once you've settled on one they will look over your entire financial picture, warts and all, before negotiating a lower interest rate that will result in an affordable payment plan. The single payment will be portioned of by the DMP among your various creditors.

This all may sound easy and the answer to your problems, but there are things you should remember. Don't accept any repayment plan that is offered to you if you cannot afford it. That doesn't help your situation in the slightest. Get any offered plans in writing so that you can retain them for your records. Make sure than any plan you are offered is something that your creditors will accept and be sure that you're willing to keep up with regular payments. Don't be late and make sure that your payments are being sent on time as well.

Working with a debt program is not detrimental to your credit score, but waiting around and not making payments, or being inconsistent with your payments will do nothing in terms of being a debt solution.

About the Author:

joi, 22 iulie 2010

Learn About The Blackberry Curve

By Mark Walters

Blackberry phones are always popular, thanks to a long list of great features and super fast speeds. Now the company introduces its thinnest device yet, the Blackberry Curve. Blackberry has managed to pack all the functionality of their earlier smartphones into one of the lightest full keypad devices on the market. You would be hard-pressed to find another full QWERTY keypad on a phone this light and small.

Despite its slender appearance, this is one smartphone that can handle the daily abuse that we all seem to subject our phones to. Even after years of being dropped, dunked or forgotten, the Curve will keep you connected. This wonderfully sleek phone has that distinctly Blackberry look, but it tucks nicely into a pocket or small handbag. You will also enjoy the new TFT LCD screen, a 2.4 inch marvel that provides a fantastic picture with its 480 x 360 pixel resolution.

The interface is a breeze to use and you can switch quickly between messaging or talking, thanks to the well-designed navigation system. All your important keys, like Talk, Menu, Back, End and Navigator sit right below the screen for fast access. Even your side controls are easy to master and can be used with just one-hand. Best of all, the Curve is loaded with the most popular of Blackberry's OS's - the OS This fully interactive system was designed to be completely intuitive, and even Blackberry newbies should have no problem using it.

Among the other great features are a built-in GPS so you will have easy access to such great sites as TeleNav GPS Navigator, Blackberry Maps and Google Maps. This new smartphone has also been given a web browsing upgrade, so you can now enjoy using an HTML web browser with RSS Feeds and media stream support; you will be able to enjoy video clips from such favorites as YouTube or Hulu. Even the memory has been upgraded - you will now have an internal memory of 64MB and an expandable memory slot for microSD storage cards.

The Blackberry Curve is a great multi-use device, whether you are looking for a Wi-Fi enabled device for quick downloading or just want to take a few pictures with the 3.2 megapixel camera. The Curve's beautiful design and great collection of features make it a good fit for almost anyone, no matter if you are a techno geek or first-time buyer. Though this model is likely to become one of Blackberry's top sellers, there are some good deals still to be had. You should be able to find one for less than $100 through certain service providers.

About the Author:

miercuri, 21 iulie 2010

The Reason Why Picking Right Cycling Short Is Essential

By Kathy Bico

To know the solution to this. one should first understand why people ride bikes. Besides helping in covering distances. bikes are an important means of staying fit. They give good exercise to the body which is why regular bikers have good muscles. So that you can gain maximum health advantage from biking. one needs to feel relax while cycling. This is the reason. lot of attention is paid to the cycling gear - cycling shorts being one of them. Different types of shorts are made for men and women; with latter's short being tight at the waist and tapering down the waist.

Recommendations To Follow While Shopping For Cycling Shorts

Amount of panels determine how much the shorts can curve during cycling. The higher the number. the more they can stretch. The more they can stretch and curve. more freedom provided to the cyclist. Although. there are 4. 6 and 8 panel shorts available in the market. one should go with 8 panel shorts.

Unique variations of padding are for sale to provide extra cushion to the thighs. As the body structure of all cyclists is not same. one should consult before buying the padding that suits his body.

The short's fabric should be both durable and stretchable. It should also allow the thigh to breathe in air and allow moisture (sweat) to pass out.

They should fit your size i.e. neither too loose nor too skin tight. Also remember. never to wear underwear inside the cycling shorts.

When determining the waistband. try bending down in the cycling position. to help you feel its tightness. People with belly must be extra careful while choosing the waistline as tight shorts can cause rashes to their body.

In winters. people would rather wear knickers as they have extra protection for knees. while in summers even cargo shorts will work.

Colours don't affect the impact of cycling short on your body. One can choose from an array of trendy colors. with black being the most common choice.

About the Author:

marți, 20 iulie 2010

The New Style Of Office Furniture

By Kevvy Gillard

It is a funny thing, the dining room became the kitchen and the office is becoming the new living room. Families tend to congregate around the center of fun and activity. For a long time people would sit in the living room and talk or at the dining table. Then the family moved their eating area to the living room in front of the television. So now the most visited room in the house is where you keep your office furniture.

Entertainment can be a big part of a lot of family's lives. Games are now all across the internet. Movies and music can be listened to on a computer or a portable device. As this is being changed to all move to the television in the living room, people are going to the office and experiencing entertainment on the computer.

If there is a desk for the desktop computer or laptop then consider another desk. That way if other family members have laptops or net books they can come and sit down at the other desk. This is a fun way for siblings to play games against one another. Let the family know that it is OK to spend time in the office together. By adding some family photos it lets them know that they are welcomed into the room.

Creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in an office doesn't take too much effort. It can be done with placement of comfy chairs or even a love seat. The idea is to not make it too cramped but still fun and relaxing. If it is where you work then don't get too comfortable though. If you think that the temptation of a sofa or love seat would be too great then opt out of that.

Many people are also putting televisions into their office. The family can come in and watch movies with you while you are putting in a good day of work. Keeping the volume to a reasonable level will keep this from being a distraction. If it will provide too much of a distraction then it might be a good idea not to have a television in the room. A music player could be another option. Music can also bring a family together in listening and in conversation.

Using rugs can really add warmth to a room. It can give a really good family vibe to the normally dull office. Drapes are also a nice way to spice up the area, especially if they match the rug. It keeps the room professional and inviting at the same time.

Turn the area into a cozy family room with a lamp. Lamp light offers a soothing and comfortable light as opposed to harsh overhead lights. Try using a soft light light bulb along with a color lamp shade. If you can get the shade to match the room then it will have a more unified look to it.

More and more families are moving into this room for family time. It may be time to give the office a make over with some stylish office furniture. You can make the selection of the furniture a family event.

About the Author:

luni, 19 iulie 2010

Satellite Tv Channel Options Are Growing

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

If you want a particular satellite TV channel you have several options that you can choose from. You are no longer limited to what one major corporation tells you to do. There use to be two options for television viewing which was cable or satellite. This is still true in many ways but you have more options to choose from with regards to satellite viewing.

Most people think that you have two options for satellite television. Once you buy a dish you can choose one of the two major companies to purchase your service from. These companies offer several channels but they also do not offer premium channels included in their service. To get these channels you have to buy bundles packages that you do not choose. So you may be paying for channels you do not want.

This does not have to be the case for anyone anymore. You can also have the option of choosing to watch satellite programming through your computer. You can get the same channels for free in many cases plus a whole lot more. By visiting sites online you can watch programming with your internet connection.

You are able to find free streaming TV if you wish to through your computer and view many channels live all over the world. You can see shows you never knew existed out there and enjoy them through your computer or plug in your computer to your TV and watch them on big screen.

You can also download software easily that helps you watch even more programming through your computer. It is simple to understand and you will be surprised how easy it is to hook up. You don't need to bundle anything as it is all included in a one time fee.

This should make a lot of the big conglomerates nervous with good reason. You the viewer are now coming full circle and you will be able to make up your own mind what you want to watch and how much you want to pay for it. The time of big brother choosing your channels is dying and with the internet a whole new generation will be able to choose what they watch for entertainment.

About the Author:

duminică, 18 iulie 2010

Take Your Business Public With OTCBB: Use Your Stock Like A Bank

By James Scott

Many entrepreneurs and executives want to move forward with the process of going public merely for the ability to raise capital through the sale of stock. They usually don't think of the strategies necessary to keep the momentum going such as how much equity to give up initially, how much equity to sell ongoing, how to capitalize off of the use of the securities as collateral for loans and lines of credit and so on.

One of the most profound strategies companies can use to retain company equity while capitalizing off of their public entity is to put up portions of their securities as temporary collateral for loans and to use securities to grow through acquisition of strategic alliances.

Stock should be looked at as cash and designated for appropriate purchasing strategies. Stock monetized through collateralized lending can work wonders as long as the exit strategy is in place and secure. Your attorney should be well versed in this activity and audit the contract for convertible aspects which could strip the transaction of its advantageous nature.

Debt that converts to equity means giving up a huge bartering chip for future transactions. Don't give up equity unless you have to. There are scores of companies that will lend against your securities without having to give up long term equity. Use this strategy wisely and you'll never have a problem getting capital.

Also, using stock to purchase strategic partners is more relevant now than ever. Purchasing a company with stock that can be monetized over time is an incredible way to grow through acquisition. Going public on the OTCBB is a quick and easy way to start using the countless capabilities for capitalization with a public entity. Going public simply to raise capital with your market maker or broker dealer would be selling yourself short. Take advantage of the countless ways your securities can work for you.

About the Author:

sâmbătă, 17 iulie 2010

Taking Companies Public Via OTCBB And NASDAQ: Is Business A Form Of Warfare?

By James Scott

So is business a form of warfare? If it is who are the pawns and who are the kings? Let's look at the facts and past the 1980s clichs that chant: Greed Is Good and Business Is War as those chanting these phrases are often on the sidelines and not gifted enough to be on the field and playing and have no choice but to live vicariously through those they are jealously watching.

Everyone wants to be a player but in this industry you need a lot more than drive you need connections and capability. By connections I mean global political, global corporate, international finance and more. By capability I mean nerves of steel, the ability to bath in acid and swim with sharks and eat class for breakfast. This is one of the most stressful industries I know of with a burnout rate that is off the charts and any other global consultant that I know has struggled with their demons to stay on the top of their game. Business, by all categorical definition is War.

There are winners, losers, economies rise and economies crumble all because of global commerce. Global commerce as you know is control over the masses by an elite few. The elite are not the government officials as they themselves are pawns in a much larger game that even they don't understand. Commerce and finance are numbers on a computer screen and fractional reserve lending, the IMF and other organizations at the end of marionette strings to impose the will of the elite on the global populace.

War in the form of economics is ongoing whereas war with guns and the military is to make a statement. Economic warfare is trade sanctions and limiting technology that will enable a developing nation to grow which will disable their industrial capabilities so that instead of a thriving economy they are dependent on the involvement by industrialized nations. With the Bretton Woods Convention in 1944 and the reconstruction of Europe and the doing away with the gold standard the above mentioned Numbers On A Screen are dictated by who holds the most economic collateral to enforce their idea of numbers.

This group of elites has the economic and military power to impose its will and enforce the idea that the numbers that they place on that screen are etched in stone and if those numbers demonstrate a Loan to a developing nation, though no actual empirical capital has been transferred, that developing nation now becomes a willing pawn in the overall game of economic warfare. So there you have it, business is indeed a form of warfare. This industry of global finance serves as the royal court while those around us are forced to play by the rules we invent and enforce.

I'm not saying that this is a good thing, I'm not exactly proud to be part of the problem but this is the awkward reality. I know you're waiting for a happy ending or an idea that will help create a solution but I don't have one.

When my firm is brought in as a strategist and alliance facilitator for global rollups, acquisitions, mergers and IPOs we try to create as many jobs as possible but let me ask you, by creating more jobs are we just perpetuating the problem of the masses being controlled by the few?

About the Author:

vineri, 16 iulie 2010

Jay's En-Lightening Experience

By Barbara Langdon

I met Jay in June 1977 when he came to our home to meet my husband, a well known certified hypnotherapist. Jay was hoping to be able to study under him. As an astrologer, I asked him for his date, time and place of birth so I could do his chart. After about a minute I made a startling discovery and returned to tell him what I had found. I guess Jay found this a little strange but I said to him, something special is going to happen to you soon. You will be guided there and this experience will change your life and someone you know will be there to observe.

Eventually, Jay met my husband and they worked together for some time. Jay had some blood pressure and stress issues so they did three hypnosis sessions together to sort the problem. Later on, they started to study together and Lee gave Jay perhaps seven to ten books per week to read; ever expanding Jays mind on cultures and beliefs, mind sciences and cult influences, and much more. He also recommended classes; the Loving Relationship Training by Sondra Lee and a series by Theta Seminars on Metaphysics.

Jay began to attend a class called Spiritual Psychology taught by a husband and wife team from Missouri. They had been into natural healing, natural childbirth with doctors and absolutely unique notions for a period in time.

Most of Jays friends thought he was crazy to be attending classes like that on weekends when he could have been water skiing, boating, enjoying life, playing with women at bars, or just getting drunk like some of his clients. But, Jay was happy with studying Metaphysics and Healing.

It was at the second Theta Seminar that the special event occurred. It was August 1977 and Jay was in the classroom which was in a loft on 22nd Street in New York City. In the class, they had discussed the cycles of birth and death and its influence on the soul. They did some breathing, meditation and thinking about their own birth.

Jay remembered that his was traumatic, as his mother had gone into a coma and he was born two months premature. Then, he suddenly realized that he was meant to be born early; his weight was already 8 lbs. 15 ounces and his mother was very tiny at 411 to handle the Big Guy coming into the world.

He was able to forgive himself for wearing out his mother at birth with his size and weight. He forgave his mother for falling unconscious at his birth and missing his first two weeks of life on Earth. What an experience it was for him. Feeling the forgive-ness made Jay feel lighter.

The next part of the class was the chanting and rocking session. Jay was still feeling that lightness as the group of six in his team began elevating and rocking him to music and chants. One at a time, the team was lifting each person up and then rocking the fully elevated person before slowly returning them down to the ground.

Back then Jay weighed 280 pounds and there they were, trying to get him up in the air. He felt as light as a feather, totally relaxed as he was rocked back and forth. During the session the window was open and suddenly a strange cool-damp breeze came through into the room, exactly where they were rocking Jay. A bolt of what appeared to be lightning hit Jay at the top of his head. The group pulled their hands away and he floated back down to the ground.

Then Jay slowly opened his eyes and touched the top of his head. It felt warm. As he sat up, he was surprised to see me standing over him, looking at him. He remembered what I had said to him when we first met, And someone you know will be there to observe. Jay closed his eyes and his head was filled with ideas and formulas and concepts and the words just know that you know.

Then since that moment, he knew the past, present and the future. He foresaw floods, tornados, the economic crisis of 2007- on ... he was frightened, but understood. He knew about others just by looking at their faces, their eyes or from their handwriting. And there is so much more that he knew he would come know.

The question for Jay in all of this is, if there is so much that he knows now, then how can he use it to help others throughout the rest of his life?

About the Author:

joi, 15 iulie 2010

Maid Of Honor Speech - What To Remember To Ensure Successful Speech Presentation?

By Teresa S. Cox

Aside from splendid bridesmaid wedding speech, there is one more set of wedding toasts which are evenly remembered - the pathetic ones.

A speech is lovingly recalled if its message is stuffed with love for the newly-weds and every bit entertaining, particularly if the zeal of the speaker is felt by the audience. As for that wedding speech which is interpreted as being terrible, people aren't going to forget easily how the speaker has made a fool of herself. And in that case of a maid of honor, she may also be regarded as entirely separate from the celebration of her friend and her partner.

Because of the growing total of bad speech delivery, many bridesmaid don't think of even drafting a special message for her friend and her partner. So as to fend off the horrors incorrectly connected to speech delivery, the opportunity to speak before the audience in the wedding party is forfeited altogether.

Many think that if they're more probable to give horrors to the rare affair through giving a speech, it is best to keep their mouths shut.

But as a matter of fact, if the right information is learned by a maid of honor, responding to this issue is quite easy. Let the points I have here guide you.

Things to Remember for Winning Maid of Honor Speech Presentation

Drinking alcohol is a number one "Don't" when discussing speaking jobs. During these special portions of the program, it is so much easier to be totally masterful of your body without bothering with the effects of alcohol. You will have plenty of time to loosen up after you have presented your maid of honor toast.

Some people incline to remain farther away from the central area of the party. This ordinarily happens to occupied people who may have taken some work along or those who have to attend to other matters like using a cellphone. If this is so like you, you have to give closer attention to the flow of the party's program so you will not be found out unprepared to render a speech.

Being in heavy conversation with people attending the occasion is not thoroughly out of order - if it doesn't intervene with your paying close attention to the program flow. Some bridesmaid, in their hurry to entertain guests, forget that they have to play a key role in the program, too.

Simply put, you have to make sure that you put in priority the success of your maid of honor wedding speech and toast delivery, before everything else. If you reckon that what you are planning to do will undermine the outcome of your speech delivery, do not do that any longer! This form of outlook implies that you are decided to make that remarkable occasion extra special for your dear sister and her future spouse.

About the Author:

miercuri, 14 iulie 2010

Why Did Madalina Manole Commit Suicide on Her Birthday?

One of the best Romanian pop singers ever, Madalina Manole died on Wednesday, on her 43rd birthday. Further investigations are running at the moment, but the prosecutors confirmed the possibility of suicide with Furadan, a highly toxic substance, due a depression. Her body was discovered early Wednesday at home in Bucharest by her husband, Mircea Petru

Madalina Manole, known as the “girl with the flame-colored hair” was 15 when she made her debut and she became one of the country’s loved singers with her romantic themes. Last night, after a concert the artist went home with her husband and nothing could reflect her intentions, but during the night she went to the bathroom and never returned. He was extremely affected and shocked, refusing the dialog with the journalists. Some newspapers launched the idea that he wasn’t at home during the event, but this was not confirmed.

But why did Madalina Manole commit suicide? Maybe it’s not the best time for answers, as long as further investigations are still running, but it seems like in her body was found traces of sibutramine, coming from her lose weight treatment. This could determine, as secondary effect, some intense depressive issues. The singer also had a similar attempt last month and some friends told that she felt ignored and forgotten, not by the great public, but from the music industry companies.

Source: thebrilliantstories.com

7/14 Yahoo! News: Top Stories

Yahoo! News: Top Stories

Stage set for final votes on Wall Street reform bill (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 8:14 AM

Reuters - Senate Democrats on Tuesday appeared to nail down the votes needed to approve a historic overhaul of U.S. financial regulations and set up a final vote by the end of the week.

Iran scientist heading home via third country: ISNA (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 7:56 AM

A man identifying himself as Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist who vanished more than a year ago, speaks in this video grab released July 13, 2010, at the Iranian interests section of the Pakistani embassy in Washington. REUTERS/ATN1.dk/HandoutReuters - An Iranian nuclear scientist who disappeared more than a year ago and mysteriously turned up in Washington is on his way back to Iran via a third country, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by Iranian semi-official news agency ISNA.

Fears grow as millions lose U.S. jobless benefits (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 7:35 AM

Reuters - Deborah Coleman lost her unemployment benefits in April, and now fears for millions of others if the Senate does not extend aid for the jobless.

Toyota blames driver error for some unwanted speeding (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 6:53 AM

In this Feb. 23, 2010 file photo, from left, Rhonda Smith of Sevierville, Tenn., Sean Kane, president of Safety Research & Strategies, and David Gilbert, an associate professor of automotive technology at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, are sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington prior to testifying before House Oversight and Investigations subcommittee hearing on Toyota. Behind Smith, left below her elbow, is James E. Lentz, president and chief operating officer for Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Gilbert uncovered possible flaws in Toyota vehicles that was causing some of the world's most popular cars to accelerate suddenly. Electronic messages show that the world's largest automaker tried repeatedly to cast doubt on his findings and even questioned whether he should be employed by the school, which had long been a recipient of company donations.  (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)Reuters - Toyota Motor Corp said on Wednesday its investigation of nearly 2,000 cases of unintended acceleration had found no problem with its electronic throttle system, and that driver error was to blame in some cases.

Concerned US officials delay vital oil well test (AFP)
July 14, 2010 at 5:35 AM

This still image from a live BP video feed shows robots installing the sealing cap over a gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico. US officials delayed a make-or-break test on the integrity of the leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well so further checks could be carried out on the procedure.(AFP/BP/File)AFP - US officials delayed a make-or-break test on the integrity of the leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well so further checks could be carried out on the procedure.

Rioters hurl petrol bombs in new N.Ireland unrest (AFP)
July 14, 2010 at 5:27 AM

Men hold the Irish flag in front of burning cars during Nationalist rioting in the Ardoyne area of North Belfast. Rioters in Northern Ireland hurled petrol bombs at police and erected burning barricades at a Belfast flashpoint, as unrest that has left scores of police officers injured entered a third day.(AFP/File/Stephen Wilson)AFP - Rioters in Northern Ireland hurled petrol bombs at police and erected burning barricades at a Belfast flashpoint, as unrest that has left scores of police officers injured entered a third day.

Cuba frees prisoners, but Fidel steals spotlight (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 5:16 AM

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro speaks on Cuban television in Havana July 12, 2010. REUTERS/Alex Castro NSReuters - As Cuba shipped off more freed political prisoners to Spain, former leader Fidel Castro stayed in the spotlight on Tuesday, making his third public appearance in the past week after four years in seclusion.

Cano's fly, AL pitching leads to 1-0 All-Star lead (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 4:54 AM

American League starting pitcher David Price, of the Tampa Bay Rays, warms up before the start of the All-Star baseball game Tuesday, July 13, 2010, in Anaheim, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)AP - Robinson Cano drove home Evan Longoria with a sacrifice fly in the fifth inning after a two-base throwing error by Dodgers reliever Hong-Chih Kuo, and the AL had a 1-0 lead over the NL after six innings at the 81st All-Star game on Tuesday night.

New global AIDS focus: careful budgets? (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 4:27 AM

A red ribbon hangs in advance of World AIDS Day on the front of the White House in Washington, November 29, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstReuters - New AIDS plans released by the United Nations and the U.S. government on Tuesday stress smarter, targeted spending as a way to keep up the fight against the pandemic during a global recession.

Opponents pack hearing on mosque near ground zero (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 3:42 AM

Gary Phaneuf of Staten Island is escorted from a Landmarks Commission hearing on a controversial proposal to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center, after causing a disturbance at the hearing Tuesday, July 13, 2010 in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)AP - Dozens of opponents and some supporters of a mosque planned near ground zero attended a raucous hearing Tuesday about whether the building where the Muslim place of worship would be created warrants designation as a city landmark and should be protected from development.

More cops charged in post-Katrina bridge shootings (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 3:36 AM

AP - In a case that rocked a city already torn by the horrors of Hurricane Katrina, four police officers accused of gunning down two unarmed people in the storm's chaotic aftermath could face death themselves.

Defector do-over? Iran scientist wants to go home (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:20 AM

This frame grab image taken from a video posted on YouTube in late June shows a man who identifies himself as Shahram Amiri, an Iranian citizen, saying he was in the U.S. at the time of the recording and that the date is June 23, 2010. In this video, which emerged after three previous conflicting videos, Amiri, urges his family not to worry about his safety and that he hopes to return home to Iran soon. Amiri, who sought refuge at a Pakistani embassy office in Washington Monday July 12, 2010 and who Iran claims was abducted, is free to return to his homeland, the State Department said Tuesday. (AP Photo)AP - An Iranian scientist sought refuge in the Pakistani Embassy compound and asked to go home, an apparent defection gone wrong that could embarrass the U.S. and its efforts to gather intelligence on Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program.

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dies at 80 (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:17 AM

** THIS CORRECTS THE YEAR THE PHOTO WAS MADE TO 1988 ** FILE - This Feb. 28, 1988, file photo shows New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner flanked by manager Billy Martin, left, and vice president and general manager Lou Piniella, right, at spring training in  Fort Lauderdale, Fla. A person close to George Steinbrenner says the Yankees owner died Tuesday morning, July 13, 2010 . (AP Photo/Bill Cooke)AP - He was baseball's bombastic Boss. He rebuilt the New York Yankees dynasty, ushering in the era of multimillion-dollar salaries and accepting nothing less in return than World Series championships. He fired managers. Rehired them. And fired them again.

4-time Texas lotto winner rich with money, mystery (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:12 AM

In this July 9, 2010 photo, the $40 million Extreme Payout, a $50 scratch-off ticket, is shown at the Times Market in Bishop, Texas, where Bishop native Joan Ginther, who now lives in Las Vegas, won $10 million last month. (AP Photo/Steve Nurenberg)AP - The odds that Joan Ginther would hit four Texas Lottery jackpots for a combined nearly $21 million are astronomical. Mathematicians say the chances are as slim as 1 in 18 septillion — that's 18 and 24 zeros.

Pa. dog trapped in hot car honks to alert owner (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:12 AM

AP - A veterinarian said a dog trapped in a car on a 90-degree day in eastern Pennsylvania honked the horn until he was rescued. Nancy Soares said the chocolate Labrador was brought to her Macungie Animal Hospital last month after he had been in the car for about an hour.

BP to test new cap to stem oil flow (Reuters)
July 14, 2010 at 2:12 AM

Former skier Stacey Cook, left, and former tennis player Chanda Rubin, right, on a boat in the Wilkinson Canal, take a tour of oil-stained areas of Louisiana from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, south of Myrtle Grove, La., Tuesday, July 13, 2010. The Sierra Club sponsored the tour of 10 current and former athletes. (AP Photo/Judi Bottoni)Reuters - BP Plc prepared on Tuesday to test a new cap on its runaway well in an effort to finally arrest the flow of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico for the last 12 weeks.

BP to begin slowly choking off Gulf oil geyser (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:05 AM

In this image taken from video provided by BP PLC at 18:17 CDT, a new containment cap, top, is lowered over the broken wellhead at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Monday, July 12, 2010. Deep-sea robots swarmed around BP's ruptured oil well Monday in a delicately choreographed effort to attach the tighter-fitting cap that could finally stop crude from gushing into the Gulf of Mexico nearly three months into the crisis.  (AP Photo/BP PLC) NO SALESAP - In a potentially pivotal moment in the Gulf crisis, BP was preparing Tuesday to begin closing valves in a slow and methodical process that could finally choke off the geyser of crude at the bottom of the sea after three gloomy months and up to 180 million gallons spilled.

Italy nabs 300 mobsters, reveals new mob structure (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:05 AM

An unidentified man doffs his hat, as he rides in a Carabinieri (Paramilitary police) car after being arrested in Reggio Calabria, southern Italy, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, following one of the biggest operations ever against the powerful 'ndrangheta crime organization, in which 300 people were arrested including top bosses, and million of dollars (euros) in property seized. The pre-dawn raids Tuesday involved some 3,000 police across the country. Charges include murder, extortion, arms and drug trafficking and criminal association. Investigators described the operation as one of biggest blows ever to an organization that today is considered more powerful than the Sicilian Mafia. (AP Photo/Adriana Sapone)AP - Anti-mafia prosecutors claimed a major victory over the powerful and growing 'ndrangheta crime syndicate, infiltrating intimate weddings, baptisms and other events to gather information that led to the arrests Tuesday of 305 people, including top bosses, and the seizure of more than euro60 million ($76 million) in cash and property.

Prosecution rests in Blagojevich corruption trial (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:04 AM

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich arrives at the federal building, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, in Chicago, for his corruption trial. The pace of Blagojevich's trial has taken a lot of people by surprise — including, apparently, his own lawyers. They are expected to argue before the presiding judge as soon as Tuesday for several extra days to prepare their defense. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)AP - Prosecutors rested their case Tuesday in the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich, after presenting more than five weeks of testimony from some of the ousted Illinois governor's closest associates and wiretap tapes secretly recorded by the FBI.

NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:03 AM

FILE - In this May 17, 2008 file photo, Ben Jealous, the newly elected president of the NAACP, makes remarks outside the NAACP headquarters in Baltimore. Jealous has blasted the tea party during the NAACP's annual convention in Kansas City, saying it's dividing the country and 'represents a small and dying demographic.'  A vote is expected Tuesday July 13, 2010 on a resolution that condemns racism within the tea party movement. Local tea party organizer Alex Poulter says he's seen no evidence of racism in the movement. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson, File)AP - Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.

Major banking bill faces final vote this week (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:03 AM

FILE - In this April 28, 2010 file photo Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev., right, accompanied by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Senate Democrat leaders will work this week to secure the last votes needed to pass legislation imposing the most sweeping new rules on banks and Wall Street since the Great Depression. It needs 60 votes in the Senate. Reid delayed a final Senate vote until after the July 4th holiday because of the death of Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., and hesitation from three Republicans who had previously supported the legislation.  (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)AP - President Barack Obama on Tuesday secured the 60 votes he needs in the Senate to pass a sweeping overhaul of financial regulations, all but ensuring that he soon will sign into law one of the top initiatives of his presidency.

Turncoat Afghan soldier kills 3 British troopers (AP)
July 14, 2010 at 2:03 AM

Afghan people cover their faces as a dust storm hit the old city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, July 11, 2010.  (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)AP - An Afghan soldier killed three British service members with gunfire and a rocket-propelled grenade in the dead of night, a betrayal that highlights the difficulties in rapidly building up Afghan security forces so that foreign troops can go home.

Wall Street bill moves toward final votes in Congress (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 2:50 AM

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) (C) talks with a group including Ranking Member Spencer Bachus (R-AL) (L) during a recess from a committee conference on Wall Street reform to hammer out sweeping changes in financial regulation legislation on Capitol Hill in Washington June 24, 2010. REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstReuters - The biggest rewrite of U.S. financial rules since the 1930s appeared to gain the support it needed on Monday for final congressional approval as three key Republicans said they would support the measure.

New cap raises hopes of end to Gulf oil disaster (AFP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:34 AM

A man protests against BP in Chicago, Illinois. The oil company has confirmed that it has successfully placed a new cap over the Gulf of Mexico oil leak, hoping the giant valve will seal the well or contain all the gushing crude.(AFP/Getty Images/File/Scott Olson)AFP - BP placed a new tighter-fitting cap over the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, hoping it will stem the catastrophic flow of toxic crude once and for all.

Six more policemen charged in Katrina killings (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 11:14 PM

Reuters - Six more New Orleans police officers have been indicted in connection with the shooting deaths of two people and the wounding of four others who were walking on a bridge after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city in 2005, the Justice Department said on Tuesday.

Ex-Blago aide says he was worried, contacted FBI (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 11:09 PM

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich arrives at the federal building, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, in Chicago, for his corruption trial. The pace of Blagojevich's trial has taken a lot of people by surprise — including, apparently, his own lawyers. They are expected to argue before the presiding judge as soon as Tuesday for several extra days to prepare their defense. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)AP - A lobbyist who for years was one of Rod Blagojevich's closest advisers testified Tuesday that he became so concerned about the intensifying pressure the Illinois governor was placing on potential campaign contributors that he contacted the FBI and began cooperating in the government's investigation.

Italy nabs 300 mobsters, reveals new mob structure (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 11:06 PM

An unidentified man doffs his hat, as he rides in a Carabinieri (Paramilitary police) car after being arrested in Reggio Calabria, southern Italy, Tuesday, July 13, 2010, following one of the biggest operations ever against the powerful 'ndrangheta crime organization, in which 300 people were arrested including top bosses, and million of dollars (euros) in property seized. The pre-dawn raids Tuesday involved some 3,000 police across the country. Charges include murder, extortion, arms and drug trafficking and criminal association. Investigators described the operation as one of biggest blows ever to an organization that today is considered more powerful than the Sicilian Mafia. (AP Photo/Adriana Sapone)AP - Anti-mafia prosecutors claimed a major victory over the powerful and growing 'ndrangheta crime syndicate, infiltrating intimate weddings, baptisms and other events to gather information that led to the arrests Tuesday of 305 people, including top bosses, and the seizure of more than euro60 million ($76 million) in cash and property.

Obama faces big political headwinds as polls weigh (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 10:45 PM

US President Barack Obama speaks alongside Jacob Lew (L), his nominee for director of the Office of Mangement and Budget (OMB), during the announcement in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House in Washington, DC.(AFP/Saul Loeb)Reuters - President Barack Obama is facing the stiffest political headwinds he has experienced since taking office 18 months ago as Americans sour on his handling of the U.S. economy.

4-time Texas lotto winner rich with money, mystery (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 10:37 PM

In this July 9, 2010 photo, the $40 million Extreme Payout, a $50 scratch-off ticket, is shown at the Times Market in Bishop, Texas, where Bishop native Joan Ginther, who now lives in Las Vegas, won $10 million last month. (AP Photo/Steve Nurenberg)AP - The odds that Joan Ginther would hit four Texas Lottery jackpots for a combined nearly $21 million are astronomical. Mathematicians say the chances are as slim as 1 in 18 septillion — that's 18 and 24 zeros.

Ex-NFL star Taylor pleads not guilty to NY rape (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 9:40 PM

NFL Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor, right, is accompanied by his attorney Arthur Aidala as he leaves a court appearance at Rockland County courthouse in New City, N.Y.,  Tuesday, July 13, 2010. Taylor pleaded not guilty to charges that he had sex with a 16-year-old girl and to charges including third-degree rape, patronizing a prostitute and endangering a child. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)AP - Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to an indictment that alleges he had sex with a 16-year-old girl in a New York hotel room.

U.S. judge clears trial for ex-Guantanamo detainee (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 9:08 PM

Reuters - A U.S. judge on Tuesday cleared the way for a trial against a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner by rejecting arguments that his five years of detention by American authorities before entering civilian courts had violated his right to a speedy trial.

Stamos testifies in extortion trial of Mich. pair (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 8:42 PM

FILE - In a Monday, Nov. 16, 2009 photo, actor John Stamos is honored with star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Lawyers for a Michigan couple accused of trying to extort money from Stamos say the actor's private life should be fair game at trial next week. Prosecutors are asking a judge to bar questions about Stamos' sex life and whether he had an intimate relationship with one of the defendants, Allison Coss. They say it's irrelevant. Coss and Scott Sippola are accused of demanding $680,000 from Stamos or they would sell photos of him with cocaine and strippers. Federal prosecutors say the photos never existed. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)AP - Actor John Stamos testified Tuesday that he was "heartbroken" over the separation from his wife six years ago when he first met a woman now charged with conspiring to extort $680,000 from him.

Fed says credit somewhat looser in last 3 months (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 8:28 PM

Reuters - Hedge funds and private equity firms had an easier time raising capital in the last three months, but the market for asset-backed securities remains crippled, according to a new Federal Reserve survey.

Federal deficit tops $1 trillion through June (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 8:21 PM

AP - The federal deficit has topped $1 trillion with three months still to go in the current budget year, showing the continued impact of a deep recession on the government's finances.

NYC court tosses FCC's fleeting expletives policy (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 8:11 PM

AP - A federal appeals court on Tuesday tossed out a government policy that can lead to broadcasters being fined for allowing even a single curse word on live television, concluding that the rule was unconstitutionally vague and had a chilling effect on broadcasters.

Crist leads 3-way Senate race in Florida (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 6:56 PM

Florida Governor Charlie Crist (R) is introduced as Florida's first lady Carole Crist claps (L) before announcing that he will run as an independent for the U.S. Senate during a news conference in St. Petersburg, Florida April 29 , 2010. REUTERS/Scott AudetteReuters - Florida Governor Charlie Crist holds a narrow edge over Republican Marco Rubio in a three-way Senate race dominated by economic worries, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.

UK: Anna Chapman's citizenship, passport revoked (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 5:51 PM

AP - Britain's government says one of the key figures in the U.S.-Russia spy case has had her British citizenship revoked.

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dies at 80 (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 5:50 PM

FILE - This Feb. 27, 1999, file photo shows New York Yankees principal owner George Steinbrenner talking to reporters in the dugout at Legends Field in Tampa, Fla.  A person close to George Steinbrenner says the Yankees owner died Tuesday morning, July 13, 2010 . (AP Photo/Kathy Willens, File)AP - George Steinbrenner, who rebuilt the New York Yankees into a sports empire with a mix of bluster and big bucks that polarized fans all across America, died Tuesday. He had just celebrated his 80th birthday July 4.

Obama to nominate Lew as budget director (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 5:48 PM

FILE - In this Dec. 9, 2009 file photo, Jacob Lew testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington.  President Barack Obama says he will nominate Lew to serve as budget director.  (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)AP - President Barack Obama will nominate Deputy Secretary of State Jacob Lew to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget, a Cabinet-level post that plays a crucial role in shaping how the administration spends the public's money.

Israeli navy challenges Gaza-bound Libyan ship (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 5:23 PM

An Israeli flag flutters in the wind as the Mavi Marmara, a Gaza-bound ship that was raided by Israeli commandos, is escorted by a naval vessel (not seen) to the Ashdod port in this May 31, 2010 file photo. Israel's military failed to prepare adequately for what turned into a deadly raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to findings of a military inquiry quoted by the Israeli media on July 12, 2010. REUTERS/Amir Cohen/FilesReuters - The captain of a Gaza-bound Libyan aid ship Tuesday rejected an Israeli demand that it dock instead in Egypt, the mission organizers said, setting course for a new confrontation over Israel's naval blockade.

US vows continued pursuit of Roman Polanski (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 5:04 PM

FILE - In this April 24, 2010 file photo film director Roman Polanski walks on the balcony of his chalet named 'Milky Way', where he has been under house arrest, in Gstaad, Switzerland. The Swiss government declared renowned film director Roman Polanski a free man on Monday July 12, 2010 after rejecting a U.S. request to extradite him on a charge of having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl. The Swiss mostly blamed U.S. authorities for failing to provide confidential testimony about Polanski's sentencing procedure in 1977-1978.  (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani, File)AP - From prosecutors in Los Angeles to justice officials in Washington, the Swiss decision to free Roman Polanski was described as a disappointment and to some, an injustice.

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dies at 80 (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 4:56 PM

New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, pictured in 2006, has died after suffering a heart attack, US television reports said.(AFP/Getty Images/File/Eliot J. Schechter)Reuters - George Steinbrenner, the New York Yankees owner who was one of the most colorful and controversial figures in the history of U.S. sports, died in Florida on Tuesday at age 80.

China seeks to reduce Internet users' anonymity (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:06 PM

AP - A leading Chinese Internet regulator has vowed to reduce anonymity in China's portion of cyberspace, calling for new rules to require people to use their real names when buying a mobile phone or going online, according to a human rights group.

Stocks set for more gains after upbeat earnings (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:52 PM

In this photo taken July 12, 2010, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Upbeat reports from Alcoa and CSX to kick off earnings season are sending stock futures higher. The market is set to build on a five-day winning streak when it opens Tuesday, July 13.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)AP - Upbeat reports from Alcoa and CSX to kick off earnings season sent stock futures higher Tuesday. The market is set to build on a five-day winning streak.

US trade deficit widens to $42.3 billion in May (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:46 PM

In this July 8, 2010 photo, shipping containers are stacked at the Port of Miami in Miami. The U.S. trade deficit widened in May to the highest level in 18 months as a rebounding economy pushed up demand for imports of foreign-made cars, computers and clothing.(AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)AP - The U.S. trade deficit widened in May to the highest level in 18 months as a rebounding economy pushed up demand for imports of foreign-made cars, computers and clothing.

Missing Iranian scientist surfaces in Washington (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:39 PM

AP - A missing Iranian nuclear scientist, who Tehran claims was abducted by the U.S., has taken refuge at the Pakistani embassy in Washington and is asking to return to his homeland, Iran said Tuesday.

7 Cuban political prisoners arrive in Spain (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:39 PM

AP - Seven Cuban political prisoners and members of their families arrived in Madrid on Tuesday, the first of a group of inmates the government in Havana has promised to release, an official said.

Cuban political prisoners arrive in Spain (AFP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM

Irene Viera -- the wife of Cuban political prisoner Julio Cesar Galvez -- is waiting to depart to Spain after Cuban government decided to release 52 dissidents. Six political prisoners released by Cuba have arrived in Spain along with their close relatives, the first of 52 authorized to leave the country, according to Spanish public radio.(AFP/Adalberto Roque)AFP - Six political prisoners released by Cuba arrived in Spain Tuesday along with their close relatives, the first of 52 authorized to leave the country, Spanish public radio reported.

Vivus' fat pill works; safety a concern: FDA staff (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Reuters - Vivus Inc's experimental obesity pill appears to help people shed pounds, but concerns remain about its safety, U.S. Food and Drug Administration staff said in documents made public on Tuesday ahead of a public meeting on the drug later this week.

French parliament set to approve ban on face veils (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 2:08 PM

FILE - This May 18 2010 file photo shows France's Najat addressing reporters during a press conference in Montreuil, east of Paris. After a debate in which many lawmakers described their visceral reaction to face-covering veils, France's lower house of parliament looks set to approve a ban Tuesday July 13, 2010.(AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere, File)AP - France's lower house of parliament appeared ready Tuesday to approve a ban on burqa-like Islamic veils, a move that is popular among French voters despite concerns from Muslim groups and human rights advocates.

Southwest China landslides kill 17 (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 1:28 PM

A view of damaged houses after flash floods hit Xiaohe township of Qiaojia County, southwest China's Yunnan province July 13, 2010 in this photo released by China's official Xinhua News Agency. REUTERS/XinhuaReuters - Torrential rains in southwestern China triggered landslides that have killed 17 people and left 44 missing, Chinese media reported on Tuesday, with forecasts for more heavy rains in the days ahead.

AL reign: Can NL finally win All-Star game again? (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 1:24 PM

Boston Red sox's David Ortiz talks to reporters during a media availability for the Major League Baseball All-Star game, Monday, July 12, 2010, in Anaheim, Calif. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)AP - Ryan Howard is sick of all the talk about the American League's dominance in the All-Star game.

U.S. detains 12th person in Russia spy probe: report (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 12:37 PM

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is holding a 12th person linked to a Cold War-style Russian spy ring, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.(AFP/Mandel Ngan)Reuters - The United States has detained a 12th person following the break up of a Russian spy ring which led to a dramatic spy swap last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

17 dead, 44 missing as landslides hit China towns (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 12:16 PM

In this photo taken Tuesday, July 13, 2010,  debris are piled on a road after the flooding in Xiaohe, southwest China's Yunnan Province.  Landslides slammed into three mountain hamlets in western China early Tuesday, killing 17 people and leaving 44 missing, while crews drained a fast-rising reservoir in another part of the country following heavy rains. The landslides swept through three different areas before dawn, state media said. In the worst-hit town of Xiaohe in Yunnan province, four died and rescuers were searching for 42 others, the official provincial newspaper Yunnan Daily reported on its website.  (AP Photo/Xinhua)  NO SALESAP - Landslides slammed into three mountain hamlets in western China early Tuesday, killing 17 people and leaving 44 missing, while crews drained a fast-rising reservoir in another part of the country following heavy rains.

Barefoot Bandit's hometown welcomes his capture (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Colton Harris-Moore arrives barefoot, handcuffed and shackled as he is escorted by police to Nassau, Bahamas, Sunday July 11, 2010.  Harris-Moore was arrested before dawn in northern Eleuthera island, according to police. Island police had been searching for the fugitive since he allegedly crash-landed a stolen plane a week ago on nearby Great Abaco Island, where he was blamed for a string of at least seven break-ins and has been running from U.S. law enforcement since escaping from a Washington state halfway house in 2008.  (AP Photo/Felipe Major)AP - Residents of the rural island where the "Barefoot Bandit" first learned to dodge police through thick ferns and cedar trees are lashing out at the teen's mother, saying it wouldn't be right for her to profit off a two-year crime spree that has finally landed him in a Bahamian jail.

Renegade Afghan soldier kills three British troops (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Reuters - A renegade Afghan soldier killed three British troops during a joint patrol on Tuesday in southern Helmand province, a provincial security source told Reuters.

Lebanese general seeks court record in Hariri case (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 11:18 AM

AP - The international court created to try the killers of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is hearing demands by a former general to see his secret file to learn why he was held without charge for nearly four years.

U.S. meeting nears on risks of Glaxo diabetes drug (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Reuters - A heated three-year safety debate about a GlaxoSmithKline Plc diabetes pill reaches a climax this week as opponents and backers face off at a U.S. meeting that will help decide the drug's fate.

Uganda makes arrests after deadly bomb attacks (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 9:50 AM

A paramedic attends to an unidentified Ugandan citizen injured during an explosion, at Mulago Hospital in Uganda's capital Kampala July 11, 2010. REUTERS/Benedicte DesrusReuters - Ugandan police have found an unexploded suicide belt and made several arrests after 74 soccer fans were killed by two bomb attacks while they were watching the World Cup final on television.

US vows continued pursuit of Roman Polanski (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 9:19 AM

FILE - In this April 24, 2010 file photo film director Roman Polanski walks on the balcony of his chalet named 'Milky Way', where he has been under house arrest, in Gstaad, Switzerland. The Swiss government declared renowned film director Roman Polanski a free man on Monday July 12, 2010 after rejecting a U.S. request to extradite him on a charge of having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl. The Swiss mostly blamed U.S. authorities for failing to provide confidential testimony about Polanski's sentencing procedure in 1977-1978.  (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani, File)AP - The pursuit of Roman Polanski will continue, but only to the extent the director allows it.

Obama HIV/AIDS plan calls for reducing infections (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 9:09 AM

President Barack Obama listens during his meeting with Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez, not shown, Monday, July 12, 2010, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)AP - President Barack Obama is announcing a new national strategy for combatting HIV and AIDS aimed at helping reduce the number of infections and providing those living with the virus high-quality care free from stigma or discrimination.

PROMISES, PROMISES: US fails to punish Sudan (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 9:04 AM

FILE - In this March 30, 2009 file photo, President Barack Obama meets with the U.S. Envoy for Sudan Major General J. Scott Gration in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington.  The words of the Obama Administration were unequivocal: Sudan must do more to fight terrorism and improve human rights. If it did, it would be rewarded. If not, it would be punished. Nine month later, problems with Sudan have grown worse. Yet the administration has not clamped down. If anything, it has made small conciliatory gestures. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)AP - The words of the Obama administration were unequivocal: Sudan must do more to fight terror and improve human rights. If it did, it would be rewarded. If not, it would be punished.

Cuba frees prisoners as Castro makes TV appearance (AFP)
July 13, 2010 at 9:03 AM

Irene Viera, Cuban dissident and wife of political prisoner Julio Cesar Galvez, gestures next to her son Emmanuel (R), on July 12, 2010 in her house in Havana. Galvez, along with six other political prisoners released by Cuba traveled to Spain late Monday along with their close relatives(AFP/Adalberto Roque)AFP - A first batch of political prisoners the Cuban government has agreed to free flew to Spain on Tuesday in what is expected to be the largest such release on the communist island in a decade.

Lawsuits may reveal more Avandia data (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 8:32 AM

Reuters - Lawyers for patients who say they have been harmed by GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Avandia say critical data is still under wraps even as a U.S. advisory panel prepares to weigh the fate of the controversial diabetes drug.

Iran scientist seeks refuge in Pakistan embassy in U.S. (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 7:53 AM

Reuters - Iran's state radio said on Tuesday a missing Iranian nuclear scientist who Tehran says was kidnapped by the CIA, had taken refuge in Pakistan's embassy in Washington.

North Korea calls off talks with U.N. officers over ship (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 7:09 AM

Reuters - North Korea abruptly called off a talks set for Tuesday with the U.S.-led United Nations Command that oversees the Korean War truce, failing to show up for the first meeting to discuss the sinking of a South Korean warship.

David Ortiz wins HR Derby with 11-homer final (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 6:58 AM

Boston Red Sox's David Ortiz holds the trophy after winning baseball's All-Star home run derby Monday, July 12, 2010, in Anaheim, Calif. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)AP - David Ortiz believes his power swing is all the way back. After a big finish in the Home Run Derby, Boston's beloved slugger has a trophy to prove it.

Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama: poll (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 6:58 AM

President Barack Obama listens during his meeting with Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez, not shown, Monday, July 12, 2010, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)Reuters - Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack faith in President Barack Obama, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday.

BP puts well cap in place (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 5:57 AM

A section of the new containment cap is pictured during capping stack operations at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, in this frame grab captured from a BP live video feed July 12, 2010. BP said it had installed a cap meant to halt the flow of oil from its ruptured Gulf of Mexico well on Monday.           REUTERS/BP/Handout  (UNITED STATES - Tags: DISASTER ENERGY BUSINESS POLITICS ENVIRONMENT IMAGES OF THE DAY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNSReuters - BP Plc said on Monday it had installed and was ready to test a cap that, if successful, would for the first time stop the oil spewing from its ruptured well on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.

Fidel Castro in rare Cuban TV appearance (AFP)
July 13, 2010 at 4:02 AM

A family watches former Cuban President Fidel Castro appearing on AFP - Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro appeared on state-run television for the first time in nearly a year on Monday, looking alert and healthy but with a wavering voice that betrayed his advanced age.

GOP's Snowe, Brown back Wall Street overhaul bill (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:43 AM

FILE - In this June 16, 2010 file photo, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass. is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington. Senate Democrat leaders will work this week to secure the last votes needed to pass legislation imposing the most sweeping new rules on banks and Wall Street since the Great Depression. Republican Brown said he wanted to study the bill over last week's congressional recess, and has indicated the bill is more to his liking after House and Senate negotiators dropped a plan to impose a $19 billion tax on large banks and hedge funds to pay for the bill.  (AP Photo/Drew Angerer, File)AP - Sens. Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown pushed sweeping financial legislation to the edge of final passage Monday, both announcing they intend to support the regulatory overhaul despite initial misgivings.

BP affixes new cap on Gulf oil well; tests ahead (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:38 AM

In this image taken from video provided by BP PLC at 18:28 CDT, a new containment cap is lowered over the broken wellhead at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Monday, July 12, 2010. Deep-sea robots swarmed around BP's ruptured oil well Monday in a delicately choreographed effort to attach the tighter-fitting cap that could finally stop crude from gushing into the Gulf of Mexico nearly three months into the crisis.  (AP Photo/BP PLC) NO SALESAP - BP robots attached a new, tighter-fitting cap on top of the gushing Gulf of Mexico oil leak Monday, raising hopes that the crude could be kept from polluting the water for the first time in nearly three months.

First six of Cuban political prisoners leave Cuba (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 3:37 AM

Reuters - The first six of 52 political prisoners to be freed in a deal with the Catholic Church left Cuba on Monday, bound for a new life in Spain as Cuban exiles.

Fidel Castro suddenly back in view on Cuban TV (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

This television image provided by Cubavision shows Cuba's former president Fidel Castro speaking during an interview in Havana, Monday, July 12, 2010 on the 'Mesa Redonda' or 'Round Table' a daily Cuban talk show on current events. It was a rare appearance for Castro, who has stayed largely out of the public eye since a serious illness four years ago forced him from power. (AP Photo/APTN via Cubavision)AP - A relaxed and lucid Fidel Castro returned to the limelight Monday after years spent largely out of public view, discussing world events in a raspy voice in his most prominent television interview since falling seriously ill four years ago.

Gingrich says he's considering presidential run (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

Former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, right, talks with Iowa Republican Congressional candidate Brad Zaun, left, after speaking at a fundraising breakfast for Zaun, Monday, July 12, 2010, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)AP - Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday he's seriously considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination and will announce his decision early next year.

New al-Qaida threat: Somali group claims blasts (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

Damaged chairs and tables amongst the debris strewn outside the restaurant 'Ethiopian village' in Kampala, Uganda, Monday, July 12, 2010 after an explosion at the restaurant late Sunday. Simultaneous explosions tore through crowds watching the World Cup final at a rugby club and an Ethiopian restaurant, killing at least 64 people including one American, officials said. Police feared an al-Qaida-linked Somali militant group was behind the attacks.  (AP Photo/Marc Hofer)AP - East Africa saw the emergence of a new international terrorist group, as Somalia's most dangerous al-Qaida-linked militia claimed responsibility for the twin bombings in Uganda that killed 74 people during the World Cup.

Republican senator says he backs birther lawsuits (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

President Barack Obama listens during his meeting with Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez, not shown, Monday, July 12, 2010, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)AP - Republican Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana says he supports conservative organizations challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship in court.

Bunny bid: Hefner offers to buy rest of Playboy (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

FILE - This file photo made June 19, 2004, shows the Playboy trademark image in Los Angeles. Playboy Enterprises Inc. said Monday, July 12, 2010, that its iconic founder Hugh Hefner is offering to buy the remaining shares of the media empire, taking the company private, in a deal that values the company at $185 million. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)AP - Hugh Hefner wants to buy out the portion of the Playboy empire he doesn't already own in a bet that the iconic brand can still bring in profits even if the ink-on-paper magazine is past its prime.

Gibson tape mentions alleged hitting of girlfriend (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

FILE - In this Feb. 4, 2010 file photo, Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva arrive at the 'Edge Of Darkness'  Premiere in Paris. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon, file)AP - Mel Gibson was heard allegedly acknowledging he hit the mother of his 8-month-old daughter in a recording released Monday by a celebrity news website.

Reno police: Microwaved squid leaves 2 queasy (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

AP - Reno police say a squid left cooking in microwave is the suspected culprit of noxious fumes that left two apartment dwellers queasy. Authorities don't know if the squid was put in the microwave as a prank or act of cruelty when they found it Sunday night.

Cavs owner disagrees with Jackson about LeBron (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 3:23 AM

FILE - In this May 14, 2010, file photo, Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert talks to the media during a news conference in Independence, Ohio.  Gilbert released a statement tonight admonishing LeBron James' descion to leave Cleveland for the Miami Heat. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak, File)AP - Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert got in another word about the messy, heartbreaking split with LeBron James. He promised it's his last one. On Monday, Gilbert said he strongly disagrees with Rev. Jesse Jackson's criticism of his recent comments about James, who announced last week he was leaving Cleveland after seven seasons to join fellow All-Stars Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh on the Miami Heat.

BP places new cap over leaking oil well (AFP)
July 13, 2010 at 1:53 AM

This still image from a live BP video feed shows robots installing the sealing cap over a gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico. BP successfully placed a new cap over the Gulf of Mexico oil leak, hoping the giant valve will seal the well or contain all the gushing crude, underwater video footage showed.(AFP/BP)AFP - BP successfully placed a new cap over the Gulf of Mexico oil leak on Monday, hoping the giant valve will seal the well or contain all the gushing crude, underwater video footage showed.

AP Enterprise: Fiorina faces fundraising challenge (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 12:49 AM

Sen. Barbara Boxer talks with reporters after touring the the new terminal under construction at the Sacramento International Airport in Sacramento, Calif., Wednesday, July 7, 2010.  Boxer, who is being challenged by Republican Carly Fiorina, the former chief executive of Hewlett Packard, visited the site on the second day of her 'Jobs For California Tour.' Boxer says she is going after the 'bad hair' vote in response to a recent quip about her hairstyle by her opponent in this year's Senate race, Republican Carly Fiorina. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)AP - Republican U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina is at a fundraising disadvantage in many parts of California, including her home turf in the Silicon Valley, as she tries to unseat three-term incumbent Sen. Barbara Boxer, an Associated Press review of campaign finance data shows.

Snowe says she will vote for financial regulations (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 12:44 AM

FILE - In this June 16, 2010 file photo, Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass. is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington. Senate Democrat leaders will work this week to secure the last votes needed to pass legislation imposing the most sweeping new rules on banks and Wall Street since the Great Depression. Republican Brown said he wanted to study the bill over last week's congressional recess, and has indicated the bill is more to his liking after House and Senate negotiators dropped a plan to impose a $19 billion tax on large banks and hedge funds to pay for the bill.  (AP Photo/Drew Angerer, File)AP - Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine says she will vote to overhaul financial regulations, pushing the legislation to the verge of final passage and a victory for President Barack Obama.

Gingrich says he's considering presidential run (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, right, talks with Iowa Republican Congressional candidate Brad Zaun, left, after speaking at a fundraising breakfast for Zaun, Monday, July 12, 2010, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)AP - Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday he's seriously considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination and will announce his decision early next year.

Palin fundraising success stirs 2012 speculation (Reuters)
July 13, 2010 at 12:07 AM

Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin speaks during the National Rifle Association's 139th annual meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina May 14, 2010. REUTERS/Chris KeaneReuters - Republican Sarah Palin has raised more than $865,000 in political contributions over the past three months, fueling speculation the former vice presidential nominee could be readying a 2012 White House bid, experts said on Monday.

Bunny bid: Hefner offers to buy rest of Playboy (AP)
July 13, 2010 at 12:01 AM

FILE - This file photo made June 19, 2004, shows the Playboy trademark image in Los Angeles. Playboy Enterprises Inc. said Monday, July 12, 2010, that its iconic founder Hugh Hefner is offering to buy the remaining shares of the media empire, taking the company private, in a deal that values the company at $185 million. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)AP - Hugh Hefner wants to buy out the portion of the Playboy empire he doesn't already own in a bet that the iconic brand can still bring in profits even if the ink-on-paper magazine is past its prime.

Reno police: Microwaved squid leaves 2 queasy (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 11:10 PM

AP - Reno police say a squid left cooking in microwave is the suspected culprit of noxious fumes that left two apartment dwellers queasy. Authorities don't know if the squid was put in the microwave as a prank or act of cruelty when they found it Sunday night.

Gibson tape mentions alleged hitting of girlfriend (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 11:07 PM

FILE - In this Feb. 4, 2010 file photo, Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva arrive at the 'Edge Of Darkness'  Premiere in Paris. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon, file)AP - Mel Gibson was heard allegedly acknowledging he hit the mother of his 8-month-old daughter in a recording released Monday by a celebrity news website.

BP deploys new cap to finally seal rogue well (AFP)
July 12, 2010 at 9:54 PM

Tony Lebouef, who is a deck hand on a boat hired by BP to help with oil skimming operations, sits near the boat after being forced to stay in due to rough weather on July 6, in Cocodrie, Louisiana. BP lowered Monday a new cap onto the ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil pipe, hoping to close its valves and cut off the flow of toxic crude once and for all.(AFP/Getty Images/File/Joe Raedle)AFP - BP lowered Monday a new cap onto the ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil pipe, hoping to close its valves and cut off the flow of toxic crude once and for all.

New U.S. oil drilling pause to end November 30: source (Reuters)
July 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM

Reuters - The Obama administration will suspend some offshore oil drilling projects on Monday until November 30 at the latest, as prepares to revise an earlier moratorium a U.S. court found too broad, said a government source familiar with the plan.

Ubaldo Jimenez, David Price to start All-Star game (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 9:10 PM

Seattle Mariners' Ichiro Suzuki, of Japan, talks to reporters during a media availability for the Major League Baseball All-Star game, Monday, July 12, 2010, in Anaheim, Calif. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)AP - Colorado ace Ubaldo Jimenez will start for the National League in the All-Star game while the AL will counter with Tampa Bay's David Price.

Police: 6 dead, 4 wounded in Albuquerque shooting (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 8:48 PM

Albuquerque police cordon off an intersection near solar and fiber optic manufacturer Emcore Corp. in Albuquerque, N.M., on Monday, July 12, 2010. Police said a man entered the building and shot nine people, five of whom died. Police said the gunman was found dead inside the building of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)AP - A gunman opened fire at an Albuquerque fiber optics manufacturer on Monday, killing five people and wounding four others before turning the gun on himself in what police said was a domestic violence dispute.

Consumer Reports won't recommend iPhone 4 (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 8:48 PM

FILE - In this file photograph taken June 24, 2010, an Apple store employee displays a new Apple iPhone 4 in Miami Beach, Fla. Consumer Reports said Monday, July 12, 2010, the iPhone 4 has reception problems caused by its antenna design.(AP Photo/Alan Diaz, file)AP - Consumer Reports says the iPhone 4 has reception problems caused by its antenna design.

Uganda bombs kill 74, Islamists claim attack (Reuters)
July 12, 2010 at 8:17 PM

People carry a man, injured in an explosion, upon his arrival at the Mulago Hospital in Kampala July 12, 2010. Two separate explosions killed at least 23 people packed into bars in the Ugandan capital Kampala to watch the World Cup final on Sunday night, police said. REUTERS/Ronald KabuubiReuters - Somali Islamists said on Monday they had carried out two bomb attacks in Uganda that killed 74 soccer fans watching the World Cup final on television.

Fed looks for ways to aid small business lending (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 7:46 PM

FILE - In this March 25, 2010 file photo, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington. Bernanke stepped up pressure on Monday, July 12, 2010, to get banks to boost lending to the nation's small businesses, a critical element to spurring the economic recovery and reducing unemployment.(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)AP - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke stepped up pressure on Monday to get banks to boost lending to the nation's small businesses, a critical element to spurring the economic recovery and reducing unemployment.

Senator Brown to support Wall Street regulation bill (Reuters)
July 12, 2010 at 6:28 PM

Republican Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown speaks after his ceremonial swearing-in at the U.S. Capitol in Washington February 4, 2010. REUTERS/Kevin LamarqueReuters - Republican Senator Scott Brown said on Monday that he expects to support the broad financial regulation bill.

A public engagement: Santana proposes onstage (AP)
July 12, 2010 at 6:17 PM

FILE - In this Jan. 31, 2010 file photo, Carlos Santana arrive at the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, file)AP - Carlos Santana is smooth: The guitar god has gotten engaged after proposing onstage to his girlfriend, drummer Cindy Blackman.