miercuri, 3 august 2011

3 Things Almost All Cheating Husbands Do - Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

By Alex Haight

If you suspect your partner may be cheating on you, I know the mind-wracking and panic that you are possibly going through. It's difficult to think that your guy is cheating on you, but at the same time you can't just look the other way. You need to discover the truth for sure. Here are 3 standard things that just about all cheating men do that you can use as a general guideline.

First, his emotional temperature will have all of a sudden seemed different. Maybe he has withdrawn emotionally and he appears more distant these days. This could be thanks to the fact that he is pulling himself away from his relationship with you out of guilt. On the other hand, he may also be acting much better to you as well out of guilt.

Each man is unique, so I can't tell you precisely how he'll react, but there are two things in common here. One, he feels guilty, and second, this may change how he is emotionally responding to you. If your man suddenly seems to have a new emotional temperature, either good or bad, then it is worth digging deeper to work out what is going on.

Second, there'll be an increase in surprising absences. If your man is cheating on you, he's going to be forced to find time to do it. This implies that he's going to be around less frequently. But the big clue is when these absences become unpredictable.

Perhaps he just comes home late from work without telling you, or perhaps he seems to offer you too much detail that you didn't ask for. Either way, these are clear signs that he is hiding something. There isn't very much transparency in your marriage if this kind of thing is going on. And if transparency is lacking, then there is a reasonable chance that something is being hidden.

Third, your man appears defensive about "evidence." If your husband is having an affair, then he is usually going to keep the proof from you. Almost all of the evidence is hidden away on the computer or in the postal mail that gets delivered to your home.

Has he taken a strong interest in the bills? Credit card bills and telephone bills can frequently leave a damning trail. He may try and keep you in the dark by paying the bills early and on time so that you don't get a look at them and see all the stuff he has been up to. Also, there might be other stuff delivered in the mail that would give away his affair.

These are all things that cheating guys do. But it is important to remember that just because he may be hiding something doesn't necessarily mean that he is cheating. For all you know, he may be working on a surprise party for you. But still, if he's acting strangely, it is worth digging down deeper to reveal what is really happening with him for the sake of your marriage.

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