sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

Avatar 3D Locations Power Early Box Office Success

Avatar 3D locations are the true test of whether James Cameron's epic will be a hit. There are 2100 Avatar 3D locations, which is more than half of the theaters Avatar is playing in. Cameron is taking a bigger risk with 3D than anyone before him, as he's counting on it to make or break
Avatar 3D Locations Power Early Box Office Success
his box office success. For the moment, Avatar 3D locations are paying off for him, and may propel the film to a bigger opening weekend than expected.

The epic is only playing in over 3400 theaters, whereas other blockbusters open in over 4,000 nowadays. But Avatar is a different case, since most of its locations have 3D. The format made a big comeback in 2009, but it was only used to get a few extra dollars for animated and horror movies. It never determined the fate of a gigantic blockbuster, like it is for Avatar.

Over 2100 Avatar 3D locations stood to be packed yesterday, as the movie finally showed its groundbreaking technology. Early estimates indicate that it paid off to $27 million on opening day, according to the Associated Press. But as it turns out, Northeast storms may do more to hurt the opening weekend than finding 3D theaters. However, a $75-80 million weekend is still projected.

Those numbers are bigger than expected, but not a huge shock. The true test is whether audiences will go back to the 3D locations and see Pandora again and again, like with Titanic. Cameron refined the format to literally take viewers to a new world, and if he makes people take multiple trips, then the sky is the limit for 3D. Imitators would then be lined up to recreate, and improve, on Avatar's achievements.

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

Avatar movie review

Famous director James Cameron is briging a masterpiece with him. The director of famous film “Titanic” is master of art and this time he is bringing AVATAR fully loaded with visual wonders. The 3D effect will escort you in the jungle and you would be able to see characters face by face on corridors. There are humanoid alien characters like Na’vi, which has big catlike eyes that looks perfect on their tall blue bodies. Script is full of twists and turns. Here you can have summay of the movie.
The story is of Jake Sully, performed by Sam Worthington, of the year of 2154 where Jake Sully, a marine, looses his legs in a battle. Jake’s twin brother who had to leave for a project on Pandora, a distant moon, dies unexpectedly and the authorities of the mission offer Jake his brother’s place as the project requires a DNA match. Jake accepts the offer just because he knows that by this he would be able to walk again on his feet and he would be able to pay off surgery expenses. Avatar is the body of tall, blue Pandora natives known as Na’vi. He travels to Pandora but Dr. Grace Augustine, head of the project, is not happy he does not want to send an inexperienced person on the most important project of her life. Na’vi detest “sky people” and calls them Earth denizens. The mission is to get vast quantities of a mineral that Na’vi has and officials want to relocate Na’vi but Jake will never ever do it and will try to take it through negotiation. Jake gets lost in the forests and a Na’vi warrior Neytiri rescues him.

source : Puggal

joi, 17 decembrie 2009

The Sexist Outcry Over Snookie Getting Punched In the Face

by Amanda Hess

MTV reality sensation Jersey Shore (the Real Word, but with guidos), is only two episodes in, but it’s already infamous for a moment that hasn’t yet aired. Next week, Snookie, one of the show’s self-described “guidettes,” will get punched in the face by a man in a bar. Judging by the show’s trailer, Jersey Shore is positively built upon its cast members getting into drunken bar fights. So why do we only care about one woman’s hit to the face?

The punch, which MTV previewed in a trailer for the upcoming season, has inspired both excitement and disdain from commentators. One Web site delighted over an image of Snookie getting punched over and over again, calling it “the most gratifying animated gif you will ever see”; Jezebel, which framed Snookie’s punch as an incident of violence against women, called the “the clip and commentary chilling.”

This week, MTV responded to the concern. According to NY Daily News, next week’s Snookie-punching episode will be a Very Special Episode of Jersey Shore:

MTV will air a public service announcement after next week’s episode of the controversial series “Jersey Shore” because it includes an incident of violence against a woman.

. . . The PSA, set to air following the Dec. 17 episode, reads: “Violence against women in any form is a crime. If you or someone you know is being abused by a boyfriend, family member or total stranger, please call 911 or log on to www.loveisrespect.org for information and help. You can also call The National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline at 1-866-331-9474 for immediate support.”

Violence against women is a crime. Then again, violence against anyone is a crime. And in the two-minute preview for Jersey Shore, we see a lot of violence against everybody:

Ronnie forcefully pushing Sammy on the boardwalk:

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Blackberry Outage

Internet service hit again:

RIM Says BlackBerry

Experiencing Email Delays

Research In Motion Ltd. said Thursday some of its customers in North America are experiencing delays receiving emails on their BlackBerry devices.

In a statement, the smart-phone maker said customers "may be currently experiencing delays receiving email" but phone services and PIN-to-PIN messaging are not affected. The company apologized for any inconvenience and said technical teams are working to resolve the problem, but it didn't say what caused the problem or when a resolution is expected.

The Toronto Star earlier reported that some BlackBerry customers in North America have been without email service since at least 3:15 a.m. The newspaper said one Canadian carrier, Rogers Communications, indicated that the outage affected consumers using RIM's BlackBerry Internet Service but didn't affect corporate customers whose a BlackBerry Enterprise Service.

Several U.S. carriers confirmed that their consumer customers were affected by the outage. A spokeswoman for Sprint Nextel Corp., said the outage started at 3 a.m. EST and only impacted email service to subscribers that use RIM's BlackBerry Internet Service. She said RIM indicated the problem began when something went awry during a maintenance check of its system. She said RIM indicated it expected the issue to be resolved shortly.

Spokespeople for AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless also confirmed their networks were affected. "Due to the RIM BlackBerry Internet Service outage currently affecting all carriers, some of our customers using BlackBerry devices may be experiencing service issues, and we are currently working with RIM to resolve the issue for customers," an AT&T spokesman said.

RIM has experienced several service outages in recent years, including North American-wide outages in April 2007 and February 2008. The outage comes as RIM gets set to release its third-quarter results Thursday after the market close.

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