sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

Avatar 3D Locations Power Early Box Office Success

Avatar 3D locations are the true test of whether James Cameron's epic will be a hit. There are 2100 Avatar 3D locations, which is more than half of the theaters Avatar is playing in. Cameron is taking a bigger risk with 3D than anyone before him, as he's counting on it to make or break
Avatar 3D Locations Power Early Box Office Success
his box office success. For the moment, Avatar 3D locations are paying off for him, and may propel the film to a bigger opening weekend than expected.

The epic is only playing in over 3400 theaters, whereas other blockbusters open in over 4,000 nowadays. But Avatar is a different case, since most of its locations have 3D. The format made a big comeback in 2009, but it was only used to get a few extra dollars for animated and horror movies. It never determined the fate of a gigantic blockbuster, like it is for Avatar.

Over 2100 Avatar 3D locations stood to be packed yesterday, as the movie finally showed its groundbreaking technology. Early estimates indicate that it paid off to $27 million on opening day, according to the Associated Press. But as it turns out, Northeast storms may do more to hurt the opening weekend than finding 3D theaters. However, a $75-80 million weekend is still projected.

Those numbers are bigger than expected, but not a huge shock. The true test is whether audiences will go back to the 3D locations and see Pandora again and again, like with Titanic. Cameron refined the format to literally take viewers to a new world, and if he makes people take multiple trips, then the sky is the limit for 3D. Imitators would then be lined up to recreate, and improve, on Avatar's achievements.

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