marți, 24 august 2010

Understanding Telepathic Communication

By Alex J Gould

Ninety percent of our brains are unused by humans. What that part of the brain is for remains undiscovered. The remaining ten percent is used to function in daily life.

We all have the power within us to transfer our thoughts to others without using anything other than the brain. This ability is present at birth.

We are trained from childhood to conform to our parent's expectations and the boundaries of society. The true powers of our minds are not explored as we are not encouraged or trained to think outside the box for fear of ridicule.

We involve ourselves with other things in life and forget about such nonsense until the day comes that we know something we should not and ponder for a short time only to push it further to the back of our mind again.

Are we being warned about events that are soon to happen by a superior being or are we receiving these signals from others when they are thinking about us?

There are many instances in our daily lives where we communicate with other people on a subconscious level. But did you know you it is possible to train your mind to communicate consciously as well?

Mental telepathy is a talent we are all born with. The fact is most people never consciously use it therefore our natural ability to communicate with our mind is never developed. As a result most people never learn or even realize they have this power. In fact many believe they have this power is but do not know how to make it work for them.

It's been scientifically proven that our thoughts have a frequency, much like radio waves, and they can be measured. If you can learn to harness the frequency of your thoughts and direct them where you want, then you'll begin to learn how to communicate using your mind alone.

Some techniques to enhance your telepathic abilities

*A trance like state - When you get into a trance like state and become very relaxed, you will be able to send and receive messages at will. It is somewhat like being hypnotized, your mind will be open and receptive to communication.

If you're working on your telepathic ability alone then spend some time learning how to bring yourself into a trance state.

*Learn to focus - Find a place where you will not be disturbed, relax your mind and body. Picture the one you want to communicate with mentally. Send the message and assure yourself they are getting it. Don't make it a command just tell the person you would like to hear from them and think pleasing thoughts about them.

*Belief - You need to believe that the other person is receiving your message. Keep an open minded attitude as you learn to expand your telepathic focus.

*Let go of the Trance State - Do not drift off, deliberately bring yourself back to reality and go on with day to day things. There is a good reason for doing this.

As soon as you are finished and withdraw your good feelings from the person, he or she will be prompted to contact you. This is because you cut off the communication and the person will no longer feel your presence. They will miss you more and take steps to reach out to you.

This is a great way to become focused on developing and using telepathy to communicate. You can use two people to practice and enhance your abilities.

How to learn more by using two people

*Send and Receive - One of you will send and the other one will receive. Discuss which one will be which. Assuming you are the sender, here is how it works.

The receiver should have a pad and pen ready to jot down any impressions he might receive. If the sender is focusing on a simple object, the receiver might feel as though he's making things up at first, but insist that all impressions and thoughts are written down for later comparison.

*Visualize - You are the sender so you should have some simple images in mind to send to your receiver. These should be well known objects, for instance, a star, an orange, or an apple. These will be simple and easy to focus on and easier for you receiver to get than more complex images.

*Transmitting - Relax and shut your eyes. Imagine a line of communication flowing to and from your receiver, perhaps an imaginary line between the two of you. Get as clear of a picture as you can of this line of thought flowing back and forth.

Get a clear picture of your image and send it down the line. Imagine a clear, bright picture of it racing or flowing to your receiver. Stay focused on the object until you see it reach the receiver.

Visualizing is a very effective way to send messages telepathicly.

*End message - Stop sending when you have seen the object reach the receiver. Stop thinking about it, this is an important step as it lets the receiver see the image appear. He or she will also have time to write it all down

*Receiver - The receiver should relax and remain as calm as possible. With an open mind and a willingness to receive images and impressions, the receiver should write down any impressions that come to mind.

All humans will experience flashes and images in their mind's-eye when their thoughts are still. Your receiver will at first believe he's making things up, but it's important to still record any impressions.

*The verdict - When you are done with the training exercise, check and see if the images you sent were well received. Even someone with undeveloped powers will receive some images from the sender. Do not expect all of them to come through clearly at first. It will take some practice to get better at it.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

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