vineri, 13 august 2010

What Makes Men Cheat? Why Do Men Cheat?

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

Here's a question that can never seem to get answered correctly, why do men cheat? No man can say that they have never cheated on a significant other at one point and time. Men go through women like they go through socks. If one is not doing what they expect, they cheat on her with one that will. Not the correct approach to take, but many do.

The old saying men will be men, has been turned into an all around cheater slogan. A real man is not a man that cheats on his women because he wants another. A real man is someone who is willing to work out his relationship problems in hopes of saving what he already has waiting for him at home.

Another easy excuse is that you never know when you are married so you have to get all you can, while you can. Newsflash, if she isn't giving you everything you want, you shouldn't be with her in the first place. Don't disrespect her, break it off and let her move on to someone that will actually appreciate what she has to offer.

Boredom is another common excuse, but you would have to ask them if they have ever bothered to talk about it with their companion. It is only natural that the initial passion wears down a little bit, but you have every opportunity to liven it back up. It's a two way street and you can't blame boredom solely on the woman. Take a look in the mirror before you go chasing after someone else.

A man measures his manhood by what's in his pants instead of what's in his head. The reason why so many men do this will never completely be determined and the answer to why do men cheat is a mystery. God gave men two different heads to use in order to navigate life. Many choose to use the one that will get them no where but divorced and alone.

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