marți, 28 septembrie 2010

Chakra Energy Unleashed

By Jonathan Benjem

At the outset, let me share a secret that very few people in the world know (and if they know, they dont acknowledge it!). All the human beings have a huge reservoir of energy, large enough to make sure that our physical and mental health always remains upbeat. This secret is a commonplace among large Hindu and Buddhist population in India and other parts of the world, for most Americans and Europeans, this is an invaluable piece of information, which theyd like to explore further.

They call the phenomenon as the Chakra Energy. To a layman, it is the energy generated by the seven primary energy centers in the body. Interestingly, all these seven energy centers are situated in the upper half of the body, i.e., from head to the base of spine. These primary energy centers are:

* Root or the Base Chakra (RED) located at the base of the spine, known as the coccyx.

* Sacral Chakra (ORANGE) located in the lower abdomen.

* Solar Plexus (YELLOW) Chakra situated just above the navel.

* Heart Chakra (GREEN) located in the center of the chest.

* Throat Chakra (BLUE) located in the throat region.

* Brow Chakra (INDIGO) situated on the forehead.

* Crown Chakra (VIOLET) situated on top of the head.

Though invisible, these Chakras constantly and continuously rotate in the bodies at their stated positions. This movement is responsible for the production of energy, called Chakra Energy.

If their movement is not in sync, the health physical or mental is bound to suffer.

So, whats there to know about Chakra Energy? The entire Chakra System of the body is based on the spiritual side of our existence. Its more a matter of feeling than sensing. You can say that Chakra System is a part of the sixth sense in your body. The energy produced by the Chakra System is responsible for blessing you with a healthy life or cursing you with an unhealthy one.

If the balance in their movements is achieved, then theres no greater friend than Chakras, and if there is an imbalance, theres no greater enemy than Chakras.

The next question that arises in our quest for knowing more about Chakra Energy is how easy or difficult it is to achieve a balance in the movement of these Chakras? With practice, perseverance, and belief, nothing remains difficult forever. Undoubtedly, it is not a learn overnight process, but the modus operandi is pretty simple. All it involves is to sit in a convenient body posture, and relax and feel every body part from the visible organs to the minutest cell within. Early on, youll feel several distractions, like body pain, wavering thoughts, diverse emotions etc., but if you stick with the routine and perform this exercise at least half an hour daily, the results will be positive.

This may trigger a natural question, i.e., why this simple fact is largely unknown to the modern humans? The answer lies in the over-dependence on science and technology for even the basic human needs. Earth is sufficient to provide us with all the supplies needed for a healthy and peaceful existence. But the modern man has divided the control over the Earths blessings, resulting in constant struggle and over-dependence science to augment the supplies of even the basic necessities. Moreover, the thrust on technologically advanced gadgets has meant increasing drift from the spiritual aspect of life.

The best part of Chakra Energy is that it is always within your control. You just need a firm determination to balance the Chakra movements and in the process, ensure a healthy and contented existence, both in the physical as well as spiritual realm.

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