joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Fight Against Defamation Of Character

By Lyn Hsu

The Fight Against Defamation on the Internet

Are you the victim of and need help fighting against defamation, libel, slander on the Internet? Are you or your company being called a scam or rip-off on the Internet?

Reputation Retriever realizes you spent your whole life creating an honest reputation, only to have it wrecked instantly by cyber defamation due to some sort of accident, ex-lover, disgruntled employee, etc. Keeping the slander and libel out of the search results may be your best option.

So, what are your choices to reclaim your integrity and fight against defamation on the Internet? Our research shows three choices for your Internet reputation repair:

Reputation Retriever 1) Do nothing to repair or fight against defamation.

You may hope that the slander and defamation may disappear on it's own. Well, that only depends on how much libel slander is taking place on the Internet about you or your brand. The negative accusations may be temporary, and may slide down the search rankings on their own, after a lot of time has passed.

You have to decide, is the libel slander defamation ruining your professional and personal life bad enough for you to fight the defamation? Then doing nothing will not help.

2) Sue for defamation.

To sue for defamation can bring lots of stress and will definitely put a hole in your pocket. And suppose your slander defamation antagonists don't have any assets. Suing for defamation could work if you can collect damages to cover your losses. Be careful though, it takes a long time to have a court order the false allegations to be removed.

Can you survive the time it takes for the suit against defamation to work? Considering these choices, this may not be the best way to fight against the defamation being thrown around the Internet about you, or your brand - although it could be part of your tactics to clear your name.

3) Defamation of character repair.

This option can push the negative accusations and libel down the search results, if done correctly. Reputation Retriever's reputation protection methods are to submit hundreds of unique articles to article directories announcing only the good aspects of your character integrity and ethics, or brand.

This is an ongoing process that can have rather quick results. The process of reputation repair against the defamation must be ongoing so that articles can continually be written using the keywords your enemies are using. These articles will out rank the negative slander defamation content that has been published. This process must not stop until the defamation of character accusations stop...which may be never.

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