joi, 16 septembrie 2010

Revealed - Arnold Schwarzenegger and Derek Jeter Took Gynecomastia Pills To Reduce Male Breast in 2007

Gynexin Alpha - That's the name of male breast reduction (called Gynecomastia) pill that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Baseball player Derek Jeter took in the year 2007 after mutual discussion. Gynecomastia is an adipose disorder that results in protruding male breasts. A suffering man's chest looks similar to women breasts. This shocking incident has come to light after an 18 year old college student from Moscow sent male breast reduction pictures of Arnold and Derek from google street map to BARC center of India. BARC has confirmed they have received the pictures but refused to comment on the identity of persons. A BARC official on condition of anonymity has confirmed that the pictures are indeed those of the Governor and Derek Jeter.

The pills were bought here

So far there has been no response from either the Governor or Derek.

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