It is safe to say that the majority of people in the world are looking for a key to change their life. They are looking for the missing secret, that once they have it, it will provide them with all the riches they have every wanted. Most people spend years and countless dollars trying to get their hands on it. Here, right now, you are going to be given that secret. That's right, your search is over. The thought has consumed your mind, pushed you to keep looking to try to attain it and the universe is now delivering.
You need to understand, however that an abundant life is not one filled with money. There are three areas of life that means living an abundant lifestyle. These are money, health and relationships. Some individuals may argue this point, they may even say that to live an abundant life you only need more money. However, they are fatally mistaken.
Think about it like this, if you had millions of dollars, more money then you could ever spend but your health was so poor that you only had days to live or your health was so poor that all you could do was lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling, what good is the money? Likewise, if you are healthy but alone and have no one to share your life with, what good is it to be healthy? You need to have all three components fulfilled to live an abundant life.
With that being said, you need to know the secret that will unlock that abundance so that you are not only healthy, but you have a meaningful relationship and you have the money to live the life you want. Here you go; the secret of abundance is your thoughts and emotions. Yes, it is that simple. Your thoughts and your emotions are the makers of your life. They hold the power to create the life you want or keep you in the life you are currently living.
Many individuals reading this may shake their head and tell you this is a lie. If the secret of abundance depended upon your thoughts and emotions, that everyone would have an abundant life. These individuals are correct. If everyone has the power to create an abundant life, then why is he or she not doing so?
The list of reasons could be rather long, but they all stem from one fundamental issue. People don't want to live a life of abundance. It is far easier to live the way they are and complain about it. Do you think that Donald Trump has spent one day in his life feeling sorry for himself? Do you think that Bill Gates doubted that he would be a millionaire? The answer is no. No they didn't, haven't and won't. They have had the mindset from the beginning that they would be successful, that they would be the masters of their own lives that they would live a life of abundance.
The fact that the secret is simple shouldn't be a reason for you to not believe it. Look around, each and every thing you see started off as a thought a thought that someone had that they manifested into reality. The space shuttle, the pen you write with, the car you drive, the seat belt in that car, the window in your home, the toy that you child is playing with they all started off as a thought.
What does this mean to you? It means that starting right now you can create the life you want. What you need to do is decide what it is you want. Be precise, you may even want to write it down. Once you have decide what it is you want, you need to look around your life and be thankful for what you have. It may not be ideal or exactly what you want, but if you can't appreciate the things you have then you are never going to have anything better.
Consider what you want to create and then allow that thought to consume you. Allow it to burn wildly in your heart, soul and mind. You need to be excited about it, since emotion will add more power to the thought. You want to send out a message to the universe that is more than just a small wave; you want to create a Tsunami. To get what you want you have to believe in it and that it is coming to you. Then make sure that you do what you need to in order to make it so.
Hidden inside your mind, thoughts and emotions, is the secret of abundance, when you change the way you think and feel you can create abundance!
You need to understand, however that an abundant life is not one filled with money. There are three areas of life that means living an abundant lifestyle. These are money, health and relationships. Some individuals may argue this point, they may even say that to live an abundant life you only need more money. However, they are fatally mistaken.
Think about it like this, if you had millions of dollars, more money then you could ever spend but your health was so poor that you only had days to live or your health was so poor that all you could do was lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling, what good is the money? Likewise, if you are healthy but alone and have no one to share your life with, what good is it to be healthy? You need to have all three components fulfilled to live an abundant life.
With that being said, you need to know the secret that will unlock that abundance so that you are not only healthy, but you have a meaningful relationship and you have the money to live the life you want. Here you go; the secret of abundance is your thoughts and emotions. Yes, it is that simple. Your thoughts and your emotions are the makers of your life. They hold the power to create the life you want or keep you in the life you are currently living.
Many individuals reading this may shake their head and tell you this is a lie. If the secret of abundance depended upon your thoughts and emotions, that everyone would have an abundant life. These individuals are correct. If everyone has the power to create an abundant life, then why is he or she not doing so?
The list of reasons could be rather long, but they all stem from one fundamental issue. People don't want to live a life of abundance. It is far easier to live the way they are and complain about it. Do you think that Donald Trump has spent one day in his life feeling sorry for himself? Do you think that Bill Gates doubted that he would be a millionaire? The answer is no. No they didn't, haven't and won't. They have had the mindset from the beginning that they would be successful, that they would be the masters of their own lives that they would live a life of abundance.
The fact that the secret is simple shouldn't be a reason for you to not believe it. Look around, each and every thing you see started off as a thought a thought that someone had that they manifested into reality. The space shuttle, the pen you write with, the car you drive, the seat belt in that car, the window in your home, the toy that you child is playing with they all started off as a thought.
What does this mean to you? It means that starting right now you can create the life you want. What you need to do is decide what it is you want. Be precise, you may even want to write it down. Once you have decide what it is you want, you need to look around your life and be thankful for what you have. It may not be ideal or exactly what you want, but if you can't appreciate the things you have then you are never going to have anything better.
Consider what you want to create and then allow that thought to consume you. Allow it to burn wildly in your heart, soul and mind. You need to be excited about it, since emotion will add more power to the thought. You want to send out a message to the universe that is more than just a small wave; you want to create a Tsunami. To get what you want you have to believe in it and that it is coming to you. Then make sure that you do what you need to in order to make it so.
Hidden inside your mind, thoughts and emotions, is the secret of abundance, when you change the way you think and feel you can create abundance!
About the Author:
Look at the exciting world of creating abundance with the popular website. Discover for yourself how to use Instant Manifestation. Find out about a secret Money Manifestation when you visit here and get your FREE DVD video, audio and ebook Package.
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