sâmbătă, 23 octombrie 2010

Beauty For Ashes: Becoming Emotionally Matured

By Jc Bradley

Beauty of Ashes is Joyce Meyer's way of sharing her own story about healing. If you don't know, Joyce Meyer herself actually has her own share of bad and terrible experiences that women have in their lives. And these experiences have led her to a place where she never thought healing would even be possible again. Having been physically, sexually, and verbally abused for more than 30 years of her life, it was a great step when Meyer found that it was not as impossible as she thought to stand up once more with the help of God.

Beauty for Ashes is a book that is dedicated primarily for victims of abuse. Through this book, Meyer states that the adversities faced by victims will surely change the way they look at themselves, thinking that they are worthless. But life must go on. Meyer states her own experiences and story, especially focusing on the idea that she herself had gone through the same adversity that all other victims have. And then she moves forward to tell how she managed to pick herself up from the ground, by the help of her undying faith.

All of us eventually become victims in life, not always of abuse but of all forms of problems and adversities. And most of the time, the first move for us to deal with problems is to push God away. We start believing that we are alone, but the truth is we are not. And this is what Meyer would like to share to her readers. We may never be able to reverse time and take back what has been snatched from us unwillingly, but we can learn to rebuild ourselves one-by-one by moving forward.

In addition, Meyer also discusses the forward topic of seeking revenge. It is understandable how easy it is for victims to think about revenge and getting back at the people who have wronged them. Given the pain they've been forced to take, having kind and forgiving thoughts is really hard. But Meyer tells victims to not let themselves be absorbed by such thoughts, as God is the only one that has the power to balance things.

If there would be someone that could really talk about these sensitive things with utmost accuracy and empathy, it is a person who knows the true feeling of going through them. It is admirable how Joyce Meyer decided to help her readers by dissecting her very own personal story in this book. In three words, this books is honest, painful and beautiful. Beauty for Ashes is a must-read for everyone who is struggling to fight a battle with tragedies in their past. You could be an abuse victim yourself or you simply hope to be able to understand the things that these people are going through, then getting a copy of Beauty for Ashes is what's for you.

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