joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

A Few Tips To Be Successful When You Buy Stocks Online

By Antony J Parkins

Successfully taking the steps to buy stocks online will require that an individual do some research and learn about the strategies and methods that will be most effective. Many people lose a lot of money because they read about someone who has made a lot of money on stocks and jump in without any preparation. There are several steps between jumping into the stock exchange and making money on stocks that must be taken before you start trading aggressively.

Even more important that finding a system, is learning how to analyze trends. All companies on the exchange of a history available for viewing that shows their highs and lows over several years. When you look at this historical data, you will notice that most of the highs and lows are pretty consistent. Every two or three years a company may tank. Or, every January stocks for a company like Apple will rise because they introduce a new product. Predicting when the next high or low is going to occur is what makes the big gains that you see successful traders making.

The great thing about online brokerages is that most offer a training program that includes teaching you how to analyze trends and make knowledgeable decisions on your trades. Taking advantage of the training will help to save you money.

Another important tip for success is related to your investment strategy. If a person is making a long term investment for retirement or a long term income, they will be more interested in "slow-growth" funds that don't really have spikes or huge dips. When a person buys this stock it is for the long term, or over five years. The stocks have a slow steady growth and many people who have retirement portfolios have these stocks included.

Part of the two year learning curve to be a successful trader includes learning the language and structure of the exchange and how it works. Setting expectations based on your knowledge of the exchange will keep you from making huge investments, then losing money. When you are planning on investing, it is important that you only invest the money you can afford to lose. The stock exchange can be very volatile and a person will not want to invest their life savings into the exchange thinking that they will be able to recoup their investment and make gains right away.

Choosing a broker that is registered with at least one exchange when you are going to buy stocks online will help to keep you protected. There are many online brokers that are not registered and do not follow the regulations and rules of the exchange. Investing with these brokers does not protect you if they break the exchange rules. Finding a broker who charges reasonable fees and commissions and has a dynamic training program will help you to begin generating steady gains more quickly.

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