luni, 27 decembrie 2010

Drinking Is More Than A Genetic Problem

By Jack Wogan

Alcoholism is a disease, specialists say. People who have a strong, persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess are considered alcoholic. Even when they are aware of their lack of control over drinking, they still cannot change their urge to swallow alcohol at any time, no matter what the adverse effects are. Therefore, they are called addicts.

Specialists define alcoholism as a disease in which people have a persistent desire to consume alcoholic beverages to excess. Even when they are aware of their lack of control over drinking, they still cannot stop their urge to drink alcohol at any time, no matter what the adverse effects are.
Apparently, heredity cannot be neglected when it comes to alcoholism.

There are certain genes which are linked to alcohol addiction. Scientists showed how these genes run in the family. If you have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism you'll not necessarily become an addict. You'll just have to pay attention to how much you drink and more importantly, you shouldn't let drinking alcohol become a priority. It's advisable to be in charge of your relationship with alcohol. Having a few drinks now and then is not problematic. Casual drinking doesn't mean you'll become an alcoholic. Try to avoid using alcohol as a rebound; later, it will be hard to stay away.

We all know now that there is a hereditary connection between alcohol addiction and family history. If parents drink excessively, they teach their children that alcohol is a way of life. As children tend to imitate their parents, they'll most probably do the same. They'll turn to alcohol whenever they have the chance. Some children grow up hating alcohol. Still, there may come a time when childhood memories prevail and they'll start drinking too.

Heredity cannot be neglected though. Even if it's only one of the many reasons for alcoholism, there are surely particular genes which are associated with drinking excessively. All qualified professionals say that if there is a history of alcoholism in the family, it's very important to carefully handle your relationship with alcohol. Casual drinking is not a threat, as long as it stays casual. Once it becomes regular, things might start taking the wrong turn.

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