joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Overview And Information About Kindle 2

By Aaron Walters

The popularity of the initial Kindle was somehow overshadowed after Amazon has released the latest generation of this product, the Kindle 2. This second version of Kindle is packed with more add-on features and is said to be the improvised edition of the original one. It highlights features such as an improved battery life, a more streamlined design, more storage, sharper display, and the new text-to-speech capability.

The device doesn't only appear slimmer than a typical paperback; it also weighs 10.2 ounces only which literally makes it lighter too. One great thing about this gadget is its use of a 3G wireless connectivity. Such feature allows you to go online even without connecting to a WiFi-ready area anymore and guess what, that's totally for free. No monthly bills to pay or service plans to take care of. Downloading is also made easy by Kindle. It guarantees to give you the books that you want in a very short period of time without the use of a PC anymore.

The world of video gaming and MP3 was amazingly transformed by the existence of PS2 and iPod, respectively. Likewise, the world of reading has never been the same when the Kindle Wireless Reading Device came into the picture. The fact that this device makes use of an extraordinary e-ink display technology will make you feel like reading on that same paper-made book that you once had. Plus it's anti-glare and strain; therefore, it would never hurt your eyes in any way.

The Kindle has so many lovable features that people will always look forward to have. First of all, it's using an automatic cross-device bookmarking and annotation. It also turns the pages very quickly and gives you the ability to change its text size to whatever you prefer. The device is also able to read things out loud for you because of its text-to-speech feature. Lastly, it lets you carry a dictionary anywhere you go because it has one built-in to it. Perhaps one of the advantages of having this device is the fact that it allows you to store all of your favorite books in just one device. Thus, it's like carrying the entire library wherever you're heading to.

Having known all of these features and more and knowing the experiences of those who have used such device already will naturally make someone think about Where To Buy Kindle. If you're also having the same concern, then here's the easiest solution. The best place to look for this device is at Amazon or eBay, two of the most reputable and trusted online stores nowadays. They offer the best Kindle at a reasonable price. So, what are you waiting for? Shop online now.

If in case you're still skeptical about it, don't jump right away into making a decision to buy one of these devices. Kindle reviews site abound online for you to check on so that you will have a better guide in making that big decision. These reviews will basically provide you more details and information about the device and reveal not only the positive aspects, but the negative sides of this unit too, based on the words of those people who have owned or used this Kindle already. Once you've read those reviews, you can then make sure that you'll be able to make the right choice afterwards.

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