joi, 23 decembrie 2010

Top Tips To Build Mini Sites

By Billy Blacky

If you're looking to make money telecommuting, Mini Internet sites are a great way to run your own business. Generally these are straightforward one or two page sites that are designed for selling a single product.

A mini site is largely a sales letter that is designed to convert spectators into consumers, it isn't there to provide detailed information regarding the product. This type of site can attract more spectators, meaning more sales and more money for you.

The steps for making a mini site are :

- Find a profitable niche.
- Determine the best product to sell for that niche.
- Write a well made ad.
- Design a landing-page.

Make sure you do not include banners or other advertising, these might distract the attention of your visitors, your one focus should be on selling your product. Design a Mini Internet site Each site should sell only one product and be optimized for just that product.

Select keywords based totally on your product, that are popular enough to draw in the quantity of traffic you're going to need to make your internet site worthwhile, and always use your keywords in the title, heading tags, and graphic alt tags. Create a simple to order form, one that's fast to fill out, you do not wish to lose consumers as it takes excessive time or is too much difficulty to purchase your product.

Whatever you sell, start by quickly describing that particular product and keep your focus tight on that product. Try to pre sell your product by including a couple of endorsements from people that are content about using your product. After the endorsements, include several free bonuses to get your visitors rather more happy about purchasing.

To host your website look for a trusty hosting service, one that's got a good previous record for nominal down time. Select a domain name that includes your keywords this could also help your search engine listings and get you more traffic.

Some advantages of Mini Sites are :
- Easier to optimize for search engine listings.
- Inbound links to your sites will lead on to a higher Google Page Rank.
- You can be a wiz at whatever you sell or whatever service you offer.
- Higher traffic generated than regular internet sites.

Mini sites are the simplest way to make some quick money because they do not need a large set up cost, and they're easy to design. All that you need is a wonderful idea and you are ready to earn some money.

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