duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Masquerade Masks

By Ivy Davila

Masquerade masks were traditionally produced in Italy to become a type of diversion to the townfolk throughout festival season, and stuck on effortlessly as, once disguised behind a mask, the gentlemen and women could freely blend with the commoners throughout event. Old Italian law proclaimed both classes were not authorized to mingle, a law that, if violated could result in serious discipline. Even in the face of such penalty, the noblemen with the clergy would conceal themselves and socialize among the commoners, doing their very best to ferret out very important political knowledge from them. The design of the masquerade disguise can be as basic or as detailed as the maker could dream of. Because beads, ribbon and feathers were typically plentiful and radiant, they were popular materials on masks. After their creation in Italy, the attraction of the masquerade mask spread out quickly worldwide.

Variations of Venetian Masks

There are five basic Venetian mask types which often can be composed of leather, paper mache' or with the usage of gesso and gold leaf. The Bauta mask, with its square jawline, pointed chin and no mouth, shielded the face for complete anonymity. The Bauta is one of the earliest Venetian masks, whose proper name is "Larva," which means ghost mask. The Bauta mask was developed with a jutting beaked front, permitting its wearer to both eat and drink while staying masked-the design also modified the tone of the wearer's voice, adding further to the mystery. The Bauta was always either black or white and was the one mask which was not worn merely at carnival times; it was actually necessary for women to put on the Bauta mask while relishing an evening at the theater.

The attractive black velvet oval mask, believed to complement the feminine characteristics, is known as a Moretta or Servetta Mutta, signifying a mute maid servant, probably because the wearer was unable to speak a result of the mask's design. The Moretta mask was created in France but became quite the rage among Venetian women who wore it while visiting the convent, perhaps to help ensure their silence. While the original Moretta mask was kept secured by having a button clenched between the wearer's teeth, today's Moretta masks favor ties.

The Larva or Volto masquerade mask is almost all white, and in most cases worn with a three cornered hat to complete the costume. Much like the Bauta, the contour of the mask alotted the individual to breathe and drink, subsequently there was no requirement to take it off and expose one's identity. The Larva masks were constructed with fine wax cloth, and were considerably lightweight, making them ideal for eating, dancing-and mingling!

The Columbino mask was a half-mask, secured to the face using a baton or tied with a ribbon. It was a stunning actress from the sixteenth century who prompted the Columbino; it had been rumored that she considered herself too stunning to cover her whole face. Combine masks can be embellished with fur, feathers, jewels, gold, silver and crystals.

The Medico Della Peste mask (The Plague Doctor). A French Physician named Charles de Lorme was the mask's inventor who basically made the mask as a precaution for caring for subjects with the plague. Medico Della Peste is a complete full-faced mask that has an extended, modest, hollow beak. These masks are typically entirely white, with round eye holes adorned with crystal discs.

The domino mask can be described as a small rounded mask covering just the eyes and the space between them; Venetian Carnival masks were called domini basically because they looked like French priests' winter hoods, being black on the exterior and white on the inside. The domino mask is just like the masquerade mask, though lacks the elaborations and decoration.

The most common colors associated with the masks were commonly bright oranges, reds, blues and greens, with darker colors generally being reserved for the men's full-face mask. Masks continue to be widely used today either at the Venetian carnival, an unconventional wedding, costume balls, or special celebrations like Chinese New Year and Renaissance Fair. By far the most well known use is in the celebration of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Masquerade masks are also commonly used as merely interesting items of artwork. New Year's Masquerade balls tend to be unbelievably popular occasion-after all, bearing a lovely masquerade mask to welcome in the New Year just seems to go together! The preferred colors for New Year's parties usually are black and white or black and silver, and some people use stick masks for these occasions as they can be utilized periodically. If you are trying to look quite fashionable as well as sophisticated this New Year's, think about the addition of a masquerade mask to your own costume.

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