duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

Online MLM Tips For Explosive Downline Growth

By David M. Wood

The MLM industry is an industry of complete idiots. As much as I hate to say it, it's very true. The industry is now full of complete idiots who know nothing about business, marketing or sponsoring. If you ever hear someone say the MLM business has such a high failure rate, it's only because anyone can join. Most people in the MLM industry join a company, talk to a few people and quit three months later after being rejected by a whole three people.

The MLM industry is really just a numbers game. The more people you get rejected by, the more people you will sponsor into your company. It's as simple as that. Most people don't see it that way which then leads them into quitting the business altogether. Like most Networkers, they say they are going to sponsor x amount of people this week. After the week's gone buy and no one has joined their business they get frustrated and quit.

Something I learned that really helped me was that the MLM industry, it's a numbers game. You should get up In the morning and think to yourself, imp going to get rejected by fifty people today and maybe a few will join my business. Doing that can seriously change your business for the better. So where do you find fifty people to talk to?

Finding people to talk to has never been easier. Thanks to the Internet you have an unlimited number of prospects to speak to every day. Facebook alone has over 500 million members! Think about how many of those people you could sponsor into your business.

If you're new then generating your own leads may not be an option. Generating your own targeted leads is something you need to do once you've established some growth in your MLM business.

Social media is a great place to start. You can join a social networking site like Facebook and Myspace and have millions of people ready to talk to. Once you have people to talk to, it's just a numbers game. The more people you talk to about your business, the more people will join.

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