joi, 24 martie 2011

Best SEO Strategy For Beginners

By Reed Slidell

To someone who knows next to nothing about search engine optimization, just trying to understand what he should do first can be quite overwhelming. Are you exactly like that person? If yes, then you are probably looking for the best basic SEO strategy to help you get your website ranking in no time. While there is no magic bullet, the steps presented here should help you out just fine.

If you haven't, I suggest that you go read or watch a Market Samurai review. It is a nifty tool that can help you do a lot of things, but primarily help you do detailed keyword research. It is not free but it is certainly worth the price since it would make it a lot easier for you to find your keywords. And finding your keywords is the first step that you should be doing. While the best tools are often the paid ones, there are also free keyword research tools that you can do, primarily that of the Google Adwords Keyword tool. When doing your research, do not just settle with one or two-word keywords because chances are the competition would be fierce. You should go after the long tail keywords which are keywords that have 3 or more words. Generally it would be easier to rank for those terms.

Since you already have your target keywords, the next thing that you should do is to place your keywords at the right places on your website. And the most important placement of your keyword would be the title tag. It is so important that virtually every SEO specialist would tell you that if you would only put your keyword in the title tag, then the major part of your on page optimization would be done. That you can rank fairly well for your keyword even if it can only be found in the title tag, and nowhere else with the other parts of the web page. But it would still be good practice to put your keyword at least twice within the article.

Now that you have your website copy in place, your next important move would be off page optimization. What this basically means is that you should start building links to your website. When links from another site is pointing back to your own website, these are called backlinks. And for these links to be effective, its anchor text must contain the keywords that you are trying to rank for. Because it is the anchor text that tells the search engine spiders what your website is all about.

However, before you go full blast with your link building activities, just a friendly reminder. You must never buy links. While this may seem like a good and easy tactic, when Google finds out you are buying links it can penalize your website. How? By excluding it from the search results for your keywords. Then it totally negates the whole idea of link building for your site.

The thing is you should never put all of your SEO efforts in just one strategy, like link building. You must also try other tactics like social bookmarking. What you do with this is you bookmark your articles using the various social bookmarking sites. This is mainly for promotion and not links creation.

This is just a basic SEO strategy that you can follow, especially if you are just starting out in SEO. Just remember to take your time and do not rush things. Because often you can get yourself in trouble with the search engines if you go for quicker and less desirable tactics. Consider getting some SEO training dvds to help you with your first steps in optimization.

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5 comentarii:

  1. SEO is not done by impulse. It becomes effective if it's performed by a series of small strategies, combined together. Beginners should start small for an SEO strategy to become effective.

  2. Thanks you for providing such good information. I would say that, SEO itself is a strategy. SEO writing can be a good way to make some cash on the side.

    SEO Bhubaneswar

  3. Wonderful blog for the beginners. Lot of appreciations.
