joi, 31 martie 2011

Reasons To Use A Radar Detector

By Jed Kauffman

It takes one hour daily for my friend to drive from her house to her office. As she passes through the little settlements, she would always find a cop hiding behind some bush. Plainly speaking. We live in the countryside and there are not enough places for you to be under surveillance. Really. In her 18 years of working in the same company, she has used every radar detector in her favor and has never been caught speeding. We do not support speeding because it's unlawful. However, these devices gives signals informing you that you need to slow down. If you don't want to get a speeding ticket, observe the speed limit. It is still the best option.

Regrettably, everyone is guilty of driving fast and has become the lifestyle of many. Our practices have switched into high gear that seems we're never running out of roads. Everything needs to be done but with only limited time. Thus, we need to act with speed. We are obsessed to move fast (however, with old age, I am forced to drive slower). It is a widespread indication that once an approaching car flashes at you, you must slow down or else you'll get a ticket for speeding from a cop ahead waiting behind the bush.

Speeding is the most criminally liable of all driving felonies. In a year, it ranks top in penalties and revenue generation. The accumulated penalties can stain your driving reputation resulting to higher insurances and sometimes the loss of your license.

Radar detectors are fascinating. To put it simply, they tell you how far away an object is by using radio waves. Radio waves are transmitted and received by the speed gun. When radio waves are send out, it searches for an echo. When a sound bounces back, the radio waves return to the radar device. In other words, these devices detect the waves from the radar gun and alert the driver. The speeding driver will be warned that he might get caught unless he slows down. The radar gun has been a big help for law enforcers in catching speeding drivers for the past fifty years. With the advancing technology, radar guns have developed into lasers. The laser device can easily catch your license plate with its built-in camera.

Tests were done on the accuracy of radar guns used by law enforcers. Results showed that almost in every 100 radar tickets, 25 were erroneously issued. With this information, and for those who can't release their foot from the gas pedal, getting a radar detector is one way of helping you. It will aid you to be aware of your pace so that when you need to slow down, you can slow down. They are cost effective, mount on the dashboard, and are easy to install.

In some states, there are bans on the use of radar detectors, while some states limit their use by banning the use of them while driving (does that make any sense?) Make sure to verify if your state approves the use of radar detectors. Then, that's the time to decide if you need to buy one.

Be a responsible driver by following traffic rules, but if it can't be avoided that you lose track of your speed, install the radar detector in your vehicle. Your safety is our main concern.

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