marți, 26 aprilie 2011

How A Rebound Relationship Can Work In Your Favor

By Eidorian Tan

Is the love of your life in a rebound relationship after the two of you have broken up? Would you like to know how to get them back?

A rebound relationship is one where she is dating someone else to get over you. Rebound relationships keep people from having to deal with the emotions of breaking up. They're used to help people move on from a real love.

And that's the key to getting your ex back. She's in a rebound relationship to deal with losing you.

Whoever decided to break up doesn't matter. If it was their decision or yours what really matters is that you have real love.

A relationship based on real love can almost always be saved.

If she's in a rebound relationship, she will be focusing on what is wrong with your relationship. If you were a "good guy" she'll probably be hanging out with a "bad boy." If you were into philosophy, he'll be watching Monday Night Football. Or, vice versa.

Of course that is not what is really happening. Their mind is still on you even when they are with the new person. All they can think about is how different this relationship is from the old one. But they are still constantly thinking about the old one.

If she's with someone as different from you as possible, it means that she was missing something in your relationship. You can use the time she's with rebound man to improve yourself.

Let the rebound relationship run its course. Because, as she spends time with the new guy, she'll start to see the flaws in him. After a month or so with rebound man, you'll start to look pretty good.

These are some tips that will help you when your ex gets into a rebound relationship:

1) Don't try to convince her that you are the love of her life. Let her discover this on her own.

2) Don't apologize profusely. If you did something wrong, you can say you're sorry. Once. But move on. She knows the real reason she loves you.

3) Don't make a lot of hollow promises that "you'll change." Your ex loved you for who you are and will again. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to assure them you are willing to work on the relationship every day to make it successful.

4) Don't try to make her see that it wasn't your fault. She will come to appreciate that over time - but only if you haven't made her invest energy in defending her position that it was your fault.

5) Never, ever beg her to take you back.

When you ex starts going out with someone just after you break up, she's in a rebound relationship. You can make up with her and get back together. Don't despair. The rebound relationship is a sign that she's still in love with you.

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