miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Smaller Cties Offer Rich Entertainment Options

By Kyla C. Williams

The circumstances of the current economy have caused the average resident to work more and/or be in a situation to watch one's money more closely. Hence, choosing activities to fill one's leisure time has become a more involved, planned-out process, as opposed to perhaps the more casual approach of years past. Additionally, if you have less days off, you may not have the time for a customary vacation, instead opting for a day trip (or even morning/afternoon) that won't require an extensive drive. Also, because of limited funds, planning such a short excursion must still be cost-effective.

This doesn't have to be bad, though. The new circumstances we're living with are leading to discoveries, one of which is, particularly in the warm-weather months, there are a wealth of weekend activities not just in Denver but in many, many towns and cities along the Front Range. From festivals and events to robust shopping and dining options, that one city you drive through only to get to another city might just have an event this weekend that will please you, the spouse and the children. If you don't fall into the family category, fear not, as many of these towns also cater to you, perhaps offering an ideal venue for a date without the parking and expenses of LoDo.

Yeah, many presented with this option complain that they simply don't know what's going on in these cities. True, for the most part Denver usually gets the "Things to Do This Weekend!" ink, but the Internet has leveled the playing field in that the smaller metro cities now have a user-friendly web presence: not only can you peruse the calendar of events, but you can check out summaries of shopping, dining, activities and options for lodging. Consumers have lately found that the Internet is a valuable resource for discounts and coupons - no different with these sites. Oftentimes you can actually download coupons that can potentially save you significant funds when you arrive at the town.

It's important to consider that the towns not only offer permanent, ongoing entertainment options, but most all sport an annual festival of some kind, often even including a fairway and rides. If friends or family are coming in from out-of-town, it would be easy to plan their trip around one of these festivals, entertaining them mightily and not breaking your wallet. Take, for instance, Golden's Buffalo Bill Days, occurring this year July 27 to 31. The five-day festival features live music, parades, a golf tourney, kiddie trains, mutton-bustin' and assorted booths and merchants - all of this set up along Washington Avenue, which hosts myriad dining and shopping options any time of the year.

So, in keeping the family happy with summer even as time and resources seem in short supply, visit the websites of the cities around you and be surprised by the myriad offers. What's more, you can take pride in knowing you are helping a local economy that truly values your time.

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