duminică, 26 iunie 2011

Is It Possible For Him To Forgive Me After Hurting Him So Much?

By T Dub Jackson

What you did was hurting your boyfriend too much. He was stunned when you decided to quit. He didn't have any clue about it. And now you feel really guilty. It's mainly because you were selfish for not thinking about how your boyfriend might feel about your decision.

You're now living in the new world where everything is new and different from where you were before. But you're not living perfectly happy because there are things that you still worry about like your ex.

Now you're stuck in the issue if he can still forgive you for what you did. Could he give you another chance? If he could give you that chance, there's still something that remains a question in your mind: Can he still forgive me after causing too much pain in his heart?

He has been carrying this pain since the day that you left him and it's never easy to bear with each day. He might give you that second chance but it will never be easy. But one truth is he still loves you so much and he can't easily turn that feeling off. Yes, you hunger for this second chance but you're left hanging with this: "Can he still forgive me?" You have no concrete answer but at this moment you want to take that challenge.

Love hurtsthere's no pretty way to paint that picture. But it doesn't have to be the all pain and darkness. Love is also a beautiful thing. Otherwise people wouldn't be willing to go through all the pain they experience in the search for that one perfect partner.

If there's a person who can easily forgive you for what you did, and still loves you for what you are, then he's one in a million and you're lucky enough. Though it would be hard, convince him that everything in your relationship was worth it and he is the one. But you have to do something first.

This is one of the top secrets of most relationships to move on after a break up. It's something that you both have to do to save the relationship and make it work for the second time.

Don't lose hope!

It's forgiving your partner. Offer forgiveness freely and with no strings attached. When you do this you're inviting your partner to forgive you as well and letting your partner know that you're ready to accept forgiveness in return if the offer ever stands.

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