vineri, 15 iulie 2011

Traditional Diamond and Contemporary Yellow Sapphires Eternity Bands

By Janine Carroll

Eternity rings, which are equally stunning and popular as wedding bands and fashion rings, are named because the basic style of an eternity ring forms the traditional neverending shape of the wedding ring with a solid circle of precious stones, most commonly diamonds.

In the modernized version, the tenth anniversary is the diamond anniversary, which makes the ideal gift a straightforward option. The 5 year anniversary isn't quite as clear cut, but there are still plenty of new and old symbols to make it special; for example, giving five-stone diamond rings has become a very popular five year anniversary gift.

Along with the diamond, the daffodil and the color blue are associated with the tenth anniversary, so a diamond and blue or yellow sapphire ring is an excellent, meaningful anniversary gift. When it comes to the five year, the gemstone connected with this anniversary is the sapphire, it's color is pink, and its flowers is the daisy. This gives you a lot of options in choosing the perfect piece of jewelry as blue, pink, or yellow sapphires alongside diamonds in a five stone or eternity ring would be an appropriate choice with a nod to these traditions.

Caring for eternity rings should be approached the same way one would clean and maintain any piece of fine jewelry; this is best left to professionals who will have the proper supplies and machines to clean your eternity bands and will check the condition of the ring and the security of each stone in its setting in the process. If you need to clean your eternity band at home, simply wash it with liquid soap and warm water and wipe the ring with a soft cloth.

Although diamonds are the most frequently-seen stone in eternity rings, many other precious gems are appearing in eternity rings as custom pieces, birthstone rings, and fashion jewelry for wearers in search of a favorite stone. Emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and different colors like pink and yellow sapphires and black diamonds are all growing in popularity.

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