marți, 16 august 2011

Awesome Caring Suggestions For Your Diamond Pendant Necklace

By Jennifer Castroy

The nearest fundamental characteristic that can be attached to a diamond pendant necklace, is its pure stylish elegance. This dashing jewelry item is deeply believed to be a girl's best companion and as such, must be an incomparable companion that can endure a lifetime. From one place to another, around the world and against the tides of time, this jewelry piece is simpy a masterpiece to all women - any woman wearing it would be certain to be the center of attraction. Such awesome investment should never be taken for granted and in fact should be reciprocated with considerable amount of time for nurturing and caring. Paying close attention to the jewel's condition, simultaneously undertaking tender caring steps, will surely redound to an image of newness and freshness of the necklace for years to come.

In any special gathering of people, a woman adorned with a diamond pendant necklace is sure to be noticed. With the necklace on her lovely neck, her shining moment is there to behold. Celebrities do experience this kind of extreme admiration, for a pendant necklace is a masterwork or the greatest work of art ever. That is why, it is rather unthinkable to learn that this gem is sometimes subject to habitual lack of care and disregard. Caring tips might be of help to maintain the magnificence of the gem.

The quick step is to soak your diamond pendant necklace in luke warm water with mild soap. The soaking time will probably last within a thirty-minute time frame, after which the drying is done using a suitable no-lint textile cloth. Other persons would opt for an exclusive jeweler's high quality, but harmless chemical cleaner to do the cleaning job. Having said that, additional reminders could be likewise adhered to, like ensuring to avoid wearing the necklace while you're exposed to soil or chlorine bleach.

Simple as it may appear, but a mixture of water and mild cleanser like mild soap, is all you need to cleanse your diamond necklace by thoroughly immersing it for at least half an hour. Later on, the gem must be quickly dried up by using lint-free textile fabric. Using professional cleaning agents is advisable. These you can acquire from your reputable jeweler and in fact you could seek their advice with regard to application. Never use chlorine bleach or hard soaps as these are harmful to the diamond.

As far as safekeeping the diamond pendant is concerned, it is a must to keep it in a place that you deemed safe and moderate. Any place in your home where there seems to be extremes in temperature - too hot, too cold, too humid - is never safe for your necklace. A jewelry box will do, but then again, the box is to be placed in a moderate area. Should you have other jewelries like gold and silver, and other metals, aim to separate your diamond necklace to avoid it being scratched by the overcrowded jewels.

There are activities that you practice every day which may cause harm to your pendant necklace. For instance, taking a bath, gardening, engaging in sports, cleaning the dishes, bathing the dog, putting on make up and the like, are definitely not good to your diamond as hard soaps and creams and powders could release harmful residues to the gem. Should anything like these occur, it is wiser to go for a re-polishing by a professional jeweler.

Lastly, do not wear or if you're wearing it, be sure to remove your diamond pendant when doing various activities that may bring harm to the gem. Like for instance, when in the garden and tending to your plants; or you're bathing; or when you're applying make up to your face, it's a must not to wear the necklace. Bad effects may come from many sources, say from the creams or soaps and finally from skin oils emanated by the skin. Lastly, should these conditions persist, re-polishing by a jewelry technician would be the quick solution.

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