sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2011

Addressing debt management

By Ted Wernham

Unfortunately debt is an increasing problem due to the downturn in the economic climate. Everything is more expensive and so we have to spend more money in order to keep up with the lifestyle we are accustomed to. However debt can end up restricting us more than we realise, as it can contribute to stress and depression when the debt gets too much for us to handle.

There are a few important things that you need to know when starting to address your debts. First of all you need to know all of your debts and how much they add up to. This can be an uncomfortable task as being in denial and in the dark can seem easier than facing up to them. But it is a necessity in order to deal with them. You will be in an informed place to start repayments.

Secondly you need to work out your monthly income, how much money do you actually have to spend from money that you have earned. These are the first two steps to working out and confronting your debt.

Lastly, you need to look at how much money is going out every month. From your bills, credit cards and rent. Put these two figures together and you will be able to clearly see how much disposable money you have left each month, if any at all. If your outgoings are actually more than your income, it would be wise to seek professional help.

Debt management professionals will be able to form a plan and give you all the options available to you as well as working out a realistic way to start making repayments. An option that is available to those in debt is something called an IVA, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement. This is a legal arrangement between you and your creditors that helps you to create an affordable plan to decrease those debts with them at a realistic rate.

So don't think you're alone with no one out there to help with your debts. There are many organisations to assist with debt, and the sooner you address it the better.

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