joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Digital Marketing Campaign Planning Using SOSTAC

By Jeanette Parker Bowles

Digital marketing strategy planning with SOSTAC has been patented by PR Smith as a marketing model. The letters form an acronym which stands for Situational analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action and Control. Each of these segments has been expanded and elaborated on in a book which is widely used across the world.

Managers will find it useful to access the website and obtain the free templates that are available. These may be regarded as instruments which will help to reduce costs and aid efficiency. It is the aim of all marketers to increase sales, and the SOSTAC model is designed to meet this aim.

Situational analysis is a procedure used in other fields although it is considered essential in marketing. External and internal information is gathered and applied to the present in an effort to establish 'where we are' in a situation. Psychology, Educations and even Marriage Guidance practitioners used this methodology which is so useful at the outset of a campaign.

The second step, after situational analysis is to articulate and record the objectives of the plan. After deciding exactly what it is that is hoped for, planners must decide whether the objective is realistically feasible. In deciding this hard facts such as the budget need to be taken into account.

In deciding up on the best tactics to be employed questions need to be asked about how different market segments may see the product, and how that market segment might best be approached. In a country where different groups of the population are polarized this could be tricky. For example, advertisements aimed at one section of the population could antagonize another section. This calls for clever and tactful tactics.

For a plan to work well in action each person involved should have a clear idea of his responsibilities and job description. The parameters within each person operates should be clearly defined so that he or she can work efficiently and economically. For example, the amount of money allocated to particular aspects of the plan should be defined so that everyone understands where he or she stands.

After careful planning a campaign should work well, but there will problems will inevitably arise. How to deal with them should form part of the initial plan. At the outset it should be decided how performances should be measured and what action should be taken when problems arise. Trouble shooting can be effective, or cause problems to escalate.

The digital marketing strategy planning with SOSTAC template offers managers contemplating either terrestrial or virtual campaigns an ideal opportunity to work within a structured framework that has been tried and tested and proved effective on all levels.

About the Author:

2 comentarii:

  1. Hello Admin

    Situational examination is a technique utilized in different fields in spite of the fact that it is viewed as fundamental in advertising. Outer and inside data is accumulated and applied to the present with an end goal to build up 'where we are' in a circumstance. Brain science, Educations and even Marriage Guidance professionals utilized this approach which is so helpful at the beginning of a battle.

    Thanks & Regards


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