duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

How To Treat Genital Warts: People Find Genital Wart Treatments Hard

By James Melbourne

In this article I aim to give you sufficient information on how to treat genital warts. The genital wart infection is quite common, it has always been common, but now it is treatable. Some signs that you may have genital warts are; Small lumps or swellings in the genital region, these may be grey in color. Bumpy clusters of lumps or warts in close proximity of each other. Feeling itchy or uncomfortable in the genital region. Slight bleeding during or after sexual intercourse. These symptoms may not be genital warts, cysts can often have the same symptoms. It is advised that if you notice any of these symptoms to get it checked by your doctor or other health professional.

If you are like most people today, when asked what kind of treatment you will use to get rid of your warts, your answer would more than likely be an over-the-counter treatment. That's because over the counter medications are a very popular choice to get warts removed. These treatments are thought to be non-risky, but be sure to read all the directions so that you are on the safe side.

The papilloma virus is what causes genital warts. It's not the same virus that causes warts on your fingers or your hands though. That is a different virus. These genital warts tend to appear in clusters that can start growing larger and larger in number if not treated in time. Warts have irregular shapes but can have a sort of cauliflower shape to them. This can help you to analyze them and see what type you have. Men and women alike can get genital warts. They will usually appear in the genital area. Although they can itch, they are usually harmless. It can be transmitted through sexual contact.

But fortunately there is a way to treat genital warts that causes nearly no embarrassment what so ever. The treatment I am talking about needs no prescription, and can be applied in the privacy of your own home. I'm talking about Wartrol's genital warts cream. Their cream has been subjected to dermatological testing and the results came back with a 97% success rate. As Wartrol uses 100% all natural ingredients there were no side effects recorded during the tests. There were visual results after three to four weeks, and complete genital wart removal was seen at the four to six month mark, depending on severity.

If you are still unsure about what product or what type of method to use at home to get rid of your warts, then just perform a search online. Authority health sites will usually have vital information on the latest and most effective methods for treating your warts problem. They will usually have reviews of the most effective methods and products that are available for purchase. Many of these products are usually available for purchase online as well. So if you are in a hurry and need the treatment fast, you can order online or go to your local drug store once you have read some reviews for the best working warts treatments.

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