joi, 29 septembrie 2011

Sixty Four - Screaming Popular Cheerleader Halloween Costumes: Cheering Fun Not Just For Girls

By Daniel Daniels

You don't have to be a fan of the sport of football to enjoy cheerleader Halloween costumes this Halloween. And it is not just the women; men are still wearing a lot of cheerleader uniforms as well. You too can have fun this year by exploring the possibilities as you pick from a plethora of Dallas Cheerleader Halloween Costumes available.

There are some basics you need to keep up with for this year's cheerleader Halloween costumes. Of course you already know each hand must hold a pom pom. When it comes to colors, there are no hard and fast rules, cheerleaders wear all different shades. You could dress up in Dallas cowboy colors or come up with something else more unique for your design.

Usually all a cheerleader uniform has a certain color scheme which include two base colors. These two colors are normally contrasting; choosing these two for your cheerleader Halloween costumes may be the first decision you'll make. You can pick from your own favorite colors if you make your own; if choosing from the rack you may be more limited to what is available.

You could be the traditional bubbly, happy cheerleader, obnoxiously chewing gum as she clings to the arm of a Dallas cowboy. If this image makes you cringe, you are not alone. However, consider the alternatives to the dim-witted blonde stereotype. A Goth cheerleader would be an easy twist on the traditional look. Go for dark color combinations. Maybe fray your skirt and a buckle on a leather-studded collar. A few dangling chains can add a nice accent, and a neat sound to your costume.

Because Halloween cheerleader costumes are notoriously fun and comfortable to wear they still remain popular; they are the polar opposite of other Halloween outfits which can be massive and often cumbersome to wear. With a cheerleading costume the most annoying part of the costume would be if you decided to put on a wig to add another dimension. Basically, you have free-reign to make your cheerleader outfit as simple or detailed as you desire.

Accessorize! Add a blonde (or whatever color fits) wig if you want. Add some colorful pony beads to your shoelaces or ribbons tied around your pigtails. Find the brightest pinkest nail polish you can. Unless, of course, you are shying away from the traditional. Goth cheerleaders could opt for a darker shade or pure black nail polish. Even the smallest accessories can enhance any variety of cheerleader Halloween costumes.

Find a football player at the Halloween party and flirt like there's no tomorrow, as long as it won't end up with you getting in trouble with a jealous spouse or significant other. This is even more entertaining when you are a cross dressing as a cheerleader. Always be sure that the person you ""flirt' with will take it with good humor! It is not recommended to jokingly flirt with strangers.

Take a look around at all the option available to you for cheerleader Halloween costumes this year. You could even come up with a team logo and sew it onto your shirt. Another idea would be to create a cheer that you could perform at any parties you might be attending. There are so many things you could do with your cheerleader Halloween costumes this year to go the extra distance and stand out among the crowd. Edited by Hetsil Protage

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