sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011

Engineering Qualities Of The Washer Appliance

By Mustafa Saeed

Studies by sociologists and historians of science have pointed out that many of the great social upheavals such as women joining the work force were due to the increasing availability of home appliances. Women spent almost 60 hours a week doing chores but that number dropped to less than 18, in 1900 and 1975 respectively.

The earliest mention of a fully automatic washer was in the 1910s. Maytag, the venerable brand, produced a machine in 1911 that had an electric motor. In general, development of the washer required that households be equipped with both electricity and running water.

One of the pieces of the washer that depends on both of these utilities is the fill valve. It is a small, somewhat unremarkable piece. But it uses electricity to regulate how much cold water or hot water is entering the tub at every phase of the wash cycle.

The crucial piece of hardware in the fill valve is a solenoid which is a wire coil. They are found in car ignition systems also. When electricity runs through the wires, it tugs on a plug that then releases water from the appropriate intake. Shutting it off causes the plug to stop the water flow again.

Modern homes also benefit from compact washing machines. You can find three types of compact washers and dryers on the market nowadays that is the stackable portable and combo washer dryers. The stackable is almost a full-sized pair except for their vertical physical arrangement which permits it to occupy much less area. The combo on the other hand, has both washing and drying functionality bundled in a single machine. The most compact of the three kinds is the portable washer dryer.

The combo dryer and washer looks quite similar to one unit and measures only 27 inches in width. You can perform both washing and drying within a solo compartment when you use the combination machine. As a result for half the area and 50 percent of the height, the washer dryer combo is able to accomplish the task of two home appliances. An additional advantage is that combo units take advantage of condensation drying, that demands much less energy in comparison to vented models.

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