marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

Fort Myers Real Estate Offers Interesting Possibilities

By Miloff Jobson

The long term advance in real estate prices is rarely halted in the course of a lifetime. Ft Myers real estate may provide opportunities for astute buyers to seize an opportunity to buy at an opportune time. Quality properties in ideal locations are usually good investments especially in a buyers' market.

Whilst history shows that prices do not rise indefinitely without any setbacks it appears that even experts, pundits and professionals lose sight of this, often blinded by greed. During the late twentieth century property prices were rising inexorably and bankers started lending to people who might not be able to pay even the interest on what they had borrowed.

In some areas there have even been special arrangements made to sell property short. This means that lenders will allow those in financial difficulties to sell properties for less than they owe on them. This will not result in profits for short sellers but alleviate the dreadful losses that will be entailed by foreclosure.

As in most investments the key to success is timing. Unfortunately no-one can be really certain whether prices will turn up or decline further in the near term. However since there has been quite an extended period of decline the chances are that the bottom has been reached, and that a recovery may be imminent.

Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were early inhabitants who initiated the first property boom in Fort Myers, even in the tough times of the Great depression. Many tourists and entrepreneurs followed and still do. Fort Myers is sometimes called the City of Palms because of the famous avenue first planted by Edison. This is the capital of Lee county, in Florida and was named after Colonel Myers who drove the Seminole Indians out of the area.

The climate, with its long summers and short winters, encourages leisure lifestyles. Temperatures do not vary greatly with summer temperatures around thirty degrees centigrade making for pleasant, sunny days.

Ft Myers real estate offers developments that may be summed up in the word locality. It is well known that locality is an important consideration when it comes to real estate investments. A development may have water features and amenities such as a fitness center, tennis and trails that ensure the quality of life that people will always enjoy. A selection of floor plans and house types such as condos, coach houses and garden homes are available, all situated within easy reach of the famous shopping malls and beaches.

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