marți, 13 decembrie 2011

Informing A Coworker's Spouse That She Is Cheating On Him

By Manaback Bookone

At work, if you get to know that your colleague is cheating on his spouse, you probably feel like interfering in their family matters. Infidelity is something which some people cannot tolerate. It gets a big difficult when its your coworker's spouse. So what's the best way to inform a coworker's spouse she is cheating.

Most people will tell you never to tell a coworker's spouse that their wife is cheating on them. It may feel like the right thing to do, but you will have to think about all of the consequences. How will the atmosphere around the office change if the affair is exposed?

What if you it happened to you? Would you just keep quite? Would you wish someone had told you earlier about this and stop all the damaged that has been caused. You have to put yourself in their position too and then think again before keeping quite.

Of course, you should never say anything unless you are absolutely convinced that something is going on. You may know things about this woman that her husband does not. You shouldn't say anything, however, unless you have absolute proof that infidelity is happening.

You may want to sit down and have a casual chat with your coworker herself. May be you can advise her to confront her spouse and tell him exactly what's going on. You talk and words can encourage her and show her the right path if she is confused. She may even gather courage to tell her husband instead of you or someone else breaking the news.

If this does not work and you decide to talk to her husband, proceed with caution. This is a delicate situation. You need to be respectful. You should ask to see him and speak to him privately. There is no cause to embarrass him in public. You want to be as kind and gentle as possible. You also want to make sure that he knows you are only trying to be helpful.

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