duminică, 6 mai 2012

Search Engine Optimization - Understanding SEO

By Max Ammo

When a user of the internet enters a search term into a search engine, the engine provides a list of web pages with what it considers to be relevant content by using a keyword the user has entered as a reference. When search engines first came about, they would have used link and tag management from many websites, but with so many users in todays' world sharing information across the internet they have had to evolve accordingly to manage the mass number of websites.

Search engines are designed to "meaningfully" sort the websites and display a list significantly related to the keyword. Most search engines keep the specifics of their search algorithms undisclosed. Whatever methodologies work behind it, certain parameters are always present.

Inbound links or backlinks are used in assessing a web site's visibility in searches. These links refer to incoming links to a website. On simpler terms, these are links to a website coming from other websites. The amount of these links often indicates a site's popularity and likelihood to be visited.

In order to complete a successful SEO strategy backlinks are an important factor not to be undermined. However it isn't just the amount of backlinks a website holds, it is the relevance that plays a massive part in helping a sites search ranking. The link must be relevant to the web page it links to and the web page is comes from. Links also attach descriptions and text that acts as the link and this must also be relevant to the keyword.

Backlinks coming from other sites to a website aren't the only effective backlinks in a good SEO campaign. Social bookmarking is also a vital component to look at when backlinking and it too plays a big part is good search engine rankings. Social bookmarking allows a user to share to the world or simply store for future use a link that they choose.

Bookmark count is also an important consideration in search engine algorithms. Often these bookmarks come with descriptions affixed by the user and act as keywords for search engines. Users that bookmarked the site are assumed to have understood the site's content, thus making descriptions more meaningful and significant as opposed to computer software that builds backlinks to sites that evaluate the content's "value" by a defined algorithm.

Web directories can also be utilized for backlinking. These directories are online lists that groups webpage links by classification. Directory submission allows owners of websites to forward links to their site for inclusion in the web directory. The site link is placed on its corresponding category and often added with description. These links are considered as search engine references. As with bookmark, more links found in web directories give a higher hierarchy in search lists. Thus, it is common for site owners to send links to multiple web directories.

If carried out well, article submissions is a fine way to get good rankings in search engine results. Anyone undertaking this task really needs to remember that search engines have been designed and updated to allow users to find significant and relevant results to their search term entered and therefore this should be executed properly and although the amount of backlinks to a site is important, it is equally important to make these backlinks relevant and significant alike in order for this to be an effective SEO Backlinks strategy.

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