marți, 11 septembrie 2012

Understanding Power Dressing For Men Today

By Jimmy Cox

Even before a person we meet for the first time speaks, we tend to assume knowledge of his personality through the clothes and accessories he wears. His posture - the way he carries himself - is an additional factor too. Whether we aware of it or not, we also base the respect and favor we give someone depending on his physical appearance. This is why the importance of power dressing like wearing polo shirts for men is highly indispensable. Do you desire countless opportunities to come your way? Then, learn its principles.

The way you dress affects the way you feel about yourself. It has a transforming factor which influences our emotions and our minds. Ladies, for example, take time to be in a nice outfit with matching make-up and scent to uplift their gloomy mood. Try neat attires aside from your usual shirt and jeans and you will be conscious about looking good all through out the day.

When in a group of people in a gathering, executives are easy to spot as they wear professional clothes and dress pants for men from mens clothing stores all the time. Regardless of the kind of event at hand, they take the extra effort to dress well and appear respectable. This is because they have an image to take care of. In fact, they match their good looks with good manners as well. They act appropriately in front all kinds of people because they know they carry their companies' names with them.

Dressing up properly can take you closer to your goals. This holds true in events like job interviews, closing business deals or gracing seminars or talks. Wearing tailor fit or jackets sends the message that you have prepared for an interview and you are serious to get the job. Power dressing can give you that sense of reliability at one glance without even talking about your credentials.

As you choose the pieces for your overall attire, there are factors which you must take note besides their brand and cost. To highlight your appealing physical features, consider the color, design and print on your clothes. It is always safe to choose colors that complement your complexion, your eye and hair colors. Never force yourself in a top and a bottom meant for trimmed bodies especially if you are a size or a couple of size bigger. Refrain from fitting suits with prints for formal events. Solid fabrics in dark hues are the best options to wear.

If you think power dressing only involves a person's appearance in wearing men's dress pants, you might want to rethink on that. It is a great medium to build a person's character or personality as well through discipline. Discipline in the sense that he gets trained to scrutinize the details of his attire and take the time and effort to come out presentable in them. Furthermore, it instills self-confidence as it makes a person to feel good about looking good. As we all know, confidence might be difficult to acquire if people around you do not even feel or notice your presence.

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