sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012

A Few Tips On Approaching Women In Public

By Dexter Bax

Listen the whole thing about meeting women is that you need a game plan to be successful at it. You need a basic guideline that will make the process easier. So in this quick article we are going to look at a few things that could help you have more success when approaching women in public.

The first thing I want to tell you is that you should not waste time. Don't wait around for better days. You will most likely talk yourself out of going to her and starting a conversation with her. She will also probably think that you are weird for looking at her and not talking to her.

When you see a girl you like and would want to meet, go over to her and start talking immediately. Ask her a random question, anything to get the conversation going. Once she responds, you can take it from there. The key is to not stand there looking at her for a few minutes. Just do it.

Another good idea is to have interesting things to chat to her about. If you think she's going to make it easy on you, think again. She wants to talk about interesting things that make her laugh and put her into a good mood. So please stay away from the weather channel talk.

So be different is my advice. Tease her about something random. Make her feel like a little girl. Take her by her hand and swing her around and check out her body while doing it. Just make sure that stay far away from the boring conversation topics. Like I said, be different.

Remember that she is still human and that she is probably bored out of her skull. Men don't realize that women want them to approach them. But only if they have something of value to add to the interaction. And that could be something as simple as making them laugh.

If you see a hot girl, go flirt with her and tell her that you like the way her body sits in her dress. They love things like that. It will make her want to hang out with you and talk to you. You see those types of things are much more interesting to her than the normal things guys talk about when they are with her, that is why they love it so much.

When a guy that is interesting but at the same time is not willing to chase after her, she automatically becomes very interested in him. This is the type of effect you can have on women if you know what you are doing.

Take her from being bored to being sexually aroused and chasing after you. And don't think that it is not possible. You just need the right mentors and enough practice. I have seen many men do it. If you stick with the normal boring conversational topics that every other guy talks about with her, you are just helping her to be even more bored than she already is.

Okay. So that is enough for now. You can go and try those tips the next time you see a girl that you want to meet. Guys that are naturally good with women do it, so apply it yourself and see how it works for you.

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