joi, 6 decembrie 2012

The Ancient Tradition Of Hunting T-Shirts

By Harold Bendis

It has been four hours since you woke up this morning, and you stifle yet another yawn. It would be much easier to just lean back against the tree and doze for a bit. It's so peaceful here in the deep of the woods, that you could rest here for hours and never be disturbed. Resting isn't what you're here for, however. You are here to hunt, and that's what you intend to do. You peel off your gloves and use your deer call to signal your prospective prey. Without any of the pomp and splendor due to a true king of the forest, a buck walks quietly into view. You hastily rub the moisture off your hands onto the favorite of your hunting t-shirts, and get ready to deal your killing blow.

This is what it's all about, guys. The thrill of the hunt. There are so many different feelings sewn up into one experience that that act of hunting is a unique and powerful experience for anyone who has every tried it. You are brought back to the deepest roots of mankind by stalking your own prey and bringing it down. You can taste the essence of what it was like to be one of those people from the past who lived and died based on their skill at taking down their intended target. You may go home, throw your hunting t-shirts in the wash, and plop down in front of a television but for that brief moment, you can feel that deep desire for a kill.

Nothing makes me angrier than when I am minding my own business in a public place, enjoying time with my family or friends, and I'm accosted by someone taking offense in the fact that I'm wearing one of my pro- hunting t-shirts. I have been told that I'm a killer, that I am a monster, and that I murder animals for fun. I'm even told this, at times, within earshot of my children, who don't even know any better. All I can do is tell them that they are being very rude and move on from the area, because there is not debating a point with those kinds of people. Let them go home and eat their processed meats while I dine on game I humanely killed with my own two hands.

The kills that a hunter makes, he earns. It is not something so simplified as strolling through the woods, whistling a happy tune, wearing hunting t-shirts, and killing deer as you come across them. Hunting is difficult and takes much more discipline than its critics give it credit for. Hunting should be done when the deer are most active, which means waking up hours before dawn so that you can be in place when the deer are out. Deer spook very easily, so noise discipline is a must. There are hunters who spend several hours in one place and never fire a shot. These are the willing sacrifices hunters make to practice their sport.

There is nothing that really compares to the satisfaction I feel when I bring home my own meat. I am not partial to bringing home trophies, but I am very much excited when I'm able to bring home a carcass to share with friends and family. Venison is delicious and I have enough of it to eat on it all year long. When prepared correctly, it can be some of the most delicious and savory meat you can try. I like to prepare mine by smoking the shoulders for some BBQ of a different taste and texture than pork. I may wear an apron when I'm cooking, but I wear my hunting t-shirts underneath. In fact, I'd like to challenge you to finding me not wearing one of my hunting t-shirts. I'm just a little proud of what I do.

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