vineri, 22 februarie 2013

A Brief Story of Encouragement from Captain Scott O'Grady US Air Force by James Malinchak

By Rubin Knox

"An obstacle is what you see when you take your eyes off of your goals and dreams." -Unknown

On June 2, 1995, U.S. Air Force Captain Scott O'Grady had been flying his F-16 aircraft over enemy territory when his aircraft was unexpectedly hit with an enemy missile. Dreading death, he kept calm and let his education take over. As his airplane was burning, ready to blow up, Scott yanked the ejection handle. He was thrown out instantly from his aircraft traveling at a high rate of speed. Hurtling in the air, his parachute deployed. Miraculously, he landed safely on the ground with few injuries.

You would think all would be good for him, however his problems were just beginning. Landing without serious injury was only one of his many obstacles. He landed on enemy territory alone. Scott was stranded for six nights and days with no food and no supplies. Obviously, he couldn't know it would only be 6 days and nights, and 6 days and nights exposed to the elements, fearing capture, and starving are stressful both mentally and physically. He narrowly avoided capture many times. All the while with nothing to aid him, shelter him, or nourish him, he was relentlessly pursued by the enemy soldiers trying to capture him.

More than once, enemy soldiers were as close as five feet from him as he hid crouched down hidden in the brush. Considering his difficult situation, it would have been easy for Scott to give in, to let the enemy capture him where he could at least eat. But, he did not get off track of his aim, that has been to return home to his loved ones.

Scott said that he chose to focus on his faith in God. He said he focused on what he needed to do in order to escape to find safety. Scott said that he never once allowed his incredibly difficult situation to defeat him. He never let fear and doubt stop him from focusing on achieving his goal of returning home. Every time doubt would creep into his thoughts, he prayed silently to himself least the enemy hear him. Eventually, his faith allowed him to overcome every obstacle that stood in the way of coming home.

Because of his continued focus on finding a way out of the difficult situation, the persistence, and his faith in God, Scott O'Grady was ultimately rescued. No one was there to encourage him, and no one said it was easy.. He had only himself, his God and his confidence to support him during this difficult time. The good thing is, Captain O'Grady returned home to be recognized as an American hero and even more importantly, he came back to be a husband and a dad.

"Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, and to do what's necessary to reach your goals." -Unknown

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