miercuri, 6 februarie 2013

Maximizing Visibility By Social Recommendations

By Charlene Dempsey

Customers have relied on advertisements to make decisions on the products or services to buy. Trust was traditionally built through celebrities on TV and radio. Increased uptake of internet has lead to a paradigm shift as people look for more trustworthy ways of knowing the legitimacy of a product. This has bred social recommendations and the behaviour is spreading fast.

Innovations are being made with a specific product or service in mind. This is to increase access and influence the decision of the buyer. Internet is easy to access for many customers since it has penetrated all areas including handsets. It is also affordable and customized.

Everyone has a network of friends and relatives. This group is bound by trust and their word carries a lot of weight. It can be used to make a lifelong decision. Trust has lead to abandonment of strange celebrities and personalities or institutions. The shift is huge and will affect any company that does not take the right decision.

Social networks have offered the right platform for customers to air their views about a product or service. Their experience matters to their friends considering that it is real time and objective. No editing has taken place and the reaction could be viral. Companies will require a strategy of using this endorsement to create interest around what they offer.

Network of friends do not require extensive research or comparisons. The friends are used as consultants whose experience is real and a worthy basis for making any decision. This is largely due to the trust that has been developed between friends. You can talk to a friend in real time and make a quick decision.

Social recommendations have a personal attribute around them. This has led to clustering of preferences by companies in an attempt to pair persons with similar interests. Spotify shows what is popular among friends in a group while etsy uses facebook to show the gifts that friends have preferred over others. This approach shows a reliable and genuine interest and is therefore more preferred.

This model of operation has been embraced by the tourism industry. Friends have a hands-on experience with airlines and hotels and can identify the best sites to visit. Their word will carry more weight that a host of the most magnificent adverts. It calls for a change of strategy to embrace the new search method by customers.

Adapting the right operation model makes it easy to exploit this platform. It begins by getting hooked up with the right people who can initiate the flow. They will introduce the products since within their network and create a ripple effect. The right people other than numbers must be the target.

There is a phenomenal method that is being used by Facebook and Linkedin. This is using friends to tell friends about what is on offer. Acceptance and positive response is guaranteed considering that you share similar interests or are in the same profession. The voice is considered more legitimate than using a celebrity.

product reviews will be the driving force behind increased volumes in the near future. Conducting proper analysis and using qualified technicians will help any company to meet its goals. It is affordable and has far reaching effects.

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