duminică, 24 martie 2013

The Do's and Don'ts While Out on a Date

By Sienna Nalin

Dating is tricky, but the first thing to always remember is have manors and act in a way that does not embarrass yourself. You do not want your date leaving and calling his or her friends saying, "they ate like a total pig!". Your date should be leaving saying they want to go on another date with you because you were so well behaved and know the proper date etiquette. This is some helpful date advice that you are about to get, so take notes. (Image by Miroslav Petrasko via Flickr)

The tips you are about to read will help you achieve that great date you want.

If this is a first date, then the special lady will have a pretty good idea in the first 15 minutes of how the rest of the night will go. Men, this is your moment to shine. Enjoy the social time, that's what you're there for. And if you play your cards right, there might be two desserts.

Be polite and put your phone away. In this day and age many people are glued to their phones. Do not be that person that is out on a date with their phone instead of with the person they came with ... their date! I've heard many stories of guys saying that the girl they were going out on a date with was on her phone the entire time.

It is time to eat, so eat as you would in front of your grandmother. By that I mean don't be a sloppy eater that let all their table manners just fly out the window. This does unfortunately tell a lot about you.

[Men only] So you made it all the way through dinner without incident. You were clever, charming and she still approves. Now it's time to pay the bill. Although chivalry is a dying art, the man should pay because it keeps you out of the friendship factor if it's a first date.

...More information on dating at It's time to get all romantic up in here

So you have gotten some good date advice when it comes to etiquette, so take it and use it and without a doubt your date will go greatly. If it doesn't with you implementing these tips it just means that you both probably don't mesh well.

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