miercuri, 29 mai 2013

Jack Van Impe False Prophet Accusations Are Quite Popular Amongst Christians

By Rena Hudson

There is no subject that can cause as much controversy as religion. For this reason, many people decide to ignore the subject all together instead of getting into a dispute with someone else. With so many different beliefs, things can become quite confusing. Even among a religion, debates often happen between members. For Christians, Jack Van Impe false prophet allegations have become a subject that is often talked about.

The popularity of this preacher has come from his television program that airs internationally. He has a co-host who is also his wife, named Roxella. The two met while they both worked with the Billy Graham crusades and eventually got married in the year 1954. Together, they started their own ministry and have been partners in running it.

Van Impe teaches about the the world being assorted into ten subdivisions that will be set by Rome. He has a very unique view on prophesy that many times conflict with the views of other Christians. For example, he teaches that there will be one religion during the end times and that the religion of the world will be called Chrislam. This is the joining of the two largest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam.

Those who believe Van Impe to be a false teacher, note that although it is alright to give away study aids for a donation, he has really made it a point to sell his films. They believe that he is only after people's money and will lead them astray to get it. This is only one point that critics of the teacher point out.

Although most ministries will give away bible study aides for a donation. Most people feel that Jack Van Impe ministries have taken advantage of selling their products. He has been seen as a greedy money hungry person who is only out to sell his video tapes. This is only one point that his critics usually attack him on.

It is not uncommon for Jack to criticize other biblical teachers and politicians. Some of the people he has criticized include Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey and even the president of the United States, Barack Obama. He has been known by many as the "Walking bible" due to his excellent memory of bible verses.

A good memory does not convince everyone that this man knows much. He has made the list of false prophets and false teachers. Many believe that his teachings are dangerous and will lead his followers astray from the truth.

The television show is taped in Rochester Hills, Michigan. For many, Jack Van Impe false prophet accusations are right on the money. Even with so many against him though, the preacher has continued to lead his ministry for many decades and will continue as long as he is able to.

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