marți, 18 iunie 2013

Modern Trends In Modern Social Media Marketing Strategy

By James Spann

Social media has become a very important marketing tool especially in recent times. All that is required of the user it to create captivating content that will compel most users to share with their friends on the network. The more the number of people who get the information the better it is for the business. This option is way cheaper compared to the conventional methods of advertising. In addition, well designed social media marketing strategy helps reach a huge number of both preexisting and potential clients.

The common practice is for a company to create a profile on any of the existing sites and creating a network with its users. The most commonly used sites are Facebook, twitter and Google plus. Comments and tweets by a company concerning a particular product can be repeated severally by various consumers and this helps to advertise the service or product. Research has shown that creation of online communities helps in the enhancement of loyalty to the given company and its products.

It is important for a company to remain abreast with the modern trends in online marketing to be able to adequately meet the demands of their customers. Joining professional networks such as LinkedIn is highly recommended. This is because the move will allow them to exchange ideas on the various methods of advertisement as well as create professional profiles that can be viewed by potential customers. At the same time, it is possible to create partnerships and enhance growth.

Running a blog on the internet is one of the most effective ways of sharing information regarding a particular service or product. Links to the blogs should be shared on the social sites so that users can get detailed information on their products of interest. When frequently updated blogs are an effective way of keeping the customer constantly informed. The main disadvantage is that it entrusts important company information to the employees.

Product promotion activities can be effectively conducted on social media. One brilliant strategy is to engage users in winning competitions for their products. The aim of such contest is to promote virality or sharing of information about the product. For instance, one condition for winning may be that one gets the most likes for a given post in Facebook. Discounts are also a great way to interact with the online community.

The need for message adaptation is crucial when delivering a business across multiple networks. For instance what might be acceptable on twitter may be taken as spam on Facebook and Google plus. Therefore, messages need to be customized to the suitability of a given site. Writing a message in different ways keeps the users from getting bored with reading the same message every time.

Audio-visual advertisement has been found to be better than written information. Most sites allow companies to create and post pictures and videos of their products and even regular events that take place in the office. This makes it easier for human resource departments to get new people for recruitment. Videos can also be used to explain the processes a raw material is taken through before it becomes a finished product. This is much more worthwhile than a long written article explaining the same.

Social media marketing strategy is not governed by hard and fast rules. On the contrary, one can get as creative as they want as long as they maintain contact with their customers. Feedback from customers should be taken seriously and used to improve service delivery. Newer methods of doing businesses are set to revolutionize the ways of doing business in the near future.

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