duminică, 9 iunie 2013

The Activities Of House Blessing Ceremony

By Grace Daniels

Family members settle for this house blessing ceremony with many reasons. It is a kind of activity that can be performed in different moods. In cases where they a blessing a new couple who want to start a home those participating are always happy and jovial. This is rarely the case when praying for a home that has had a repeat of dangerous and bad activities such as accidents and sickness.

Guests invited depend with those holding the ceremony. Family members have to be present in this whole process. In most cases they are asked to repent and ask their creator to forgive them. This is done secretly before the program begins. Friends and church members are also invited in such places. They have to cleanse themselves first by asking for forgiveness before participating. This is done with a lot of respect to their god.

Printing of different things is done in their own way. The program of the day is written to all those in the compound. They then have to start the blessing process. It is done as they walk inside the room shouting prayers and blessing words. Songs are also song in different languages and ways. These songs have got different meanings and messages they are passing across. It is important to ensure that all those involved are saying prayers.

Families that are such into traditional believes can arrange for a tradition home ceremony. They involve the wise men and elders of the community. They do some of the rituals openly while others they do them in the dark. In some places they plant a blessing tree in the front of the gate. Ancestors are also consulted and asked to remove any curse they had bestowed to the family. It is then concluded by killing an animal and sharing the meat.

Repair of houses has to be done after the parties are done. They believe in starting a new life by repainting the whole house and repairing some of the things. Some people even demolish their houses and build new homes. Those involved have to cooperate well to make sure the day runs smoothly.

Visitors have to eat before getting out of the compound. The foods are blessed and prayed for. The eating process is accompanied with different activities. Some dance while others give out gifts to their hosts. Drinks are always available for everyone.

Parents are taken through some counseling is cases of bad omens in the family. Drums and other instruments are played in the compound. These individuals use the drums to help remove the somber mood in the family.

House blessing ceremony has to have anointing of different things. They buy a certain unique type of oil to use. They ensure that this oil is sprinkled on different places in the house. It should be done by pastors or other respected people.

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