joi, 27 iunie 2013

What Entrepreneurs Should Know About Social Media Marketing

By Terri Ruth

One of the many effects of the internet on modern day life is the concept of social media marketing. The World Wide Web has greatly transformed how business entities reach clients with information on their products and services. They no longer have to spend so much money putting up billboards in order to reach clients with messages about their products or service. Here are a few tips that could help social media marketers get the most out of this venture.

There is a special language unique to social networks. It is imperative that marketers have a good understanding of this language. They should know what all abbreviations and symbols mean. Without this knowledge their messages to clients can easily be distorted by use of wrong abbreviations or symbols. There is no shortcut on this one.

It is also imperative that personal or private social media profiles are not used to directly market the business entity. There should be a specific profile used for professional engagements with clients. This is important to uphold a sense of professionalism. The business will not be taken with much seriousness if personal profiles are used.

There is always a question about how frequently one should post from a business social media page. It is not possible to put an exact number on this issue. However, there should be a balance on how frequently posts come from this page.

Marketers need to ensure that they do not become a nuisance to their clients with their posts on social networks. This is usually as a result of having posts too often. The prospective clients will get bored of these posts and most probably get him or herself out of receiving the said posts. That is a client lost. On the other hand, if the marketer does not post on a regular basis, his or her business risks losing relevance to clients.

The kind of posts that come from a corporate business profile should keep the clients interested and engaged. They should be looking forward to posts from these profiles. This means that a marketer should not only post adverts for products and services at all times. Occasionally, it would be a good idea to post other things that would be of interest to clients. A joke or an inspirational quote once in a while would definitely.

It should be an obvious fact that social media profiles should be prompt in giving responses to client questions and even complaints. Many businesses have employed people charged with the sole responsibility of running these social media accounts. The best thing is that the sites allow real time interaction with clients no matter where they are.

Social media marketing is here and is here to stay. It can greatly transform the financial status of an establishment. It is therefore important to know how to do it right.

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