joi, 15 august 2013

How To Please Your Man In A Good Way

By Denise Bates

Do you need help understanding how to please your man? What makes a guy tick, anyway? Why is it that male psychology can be so hard to understand sometimes? Ladies, the truth is, pleasing your partner is simple. First, you've got to understand that men are wired differently than women. No matter how much you might wish they would act just like your best girlfriend, the truth is, most of them never will. Here are ten ways to keep your guy happy - you're sure to love his reaction.

It's been said time and again: if you want to know how to please your man, you've got to stop smothering him. Give him space, time to relax away from you and the kids or other responsibilities, and understand that men tend to unwind in different ways than women.

Some women believe that men should always make the first move. While that could be good when you're still dating, it's different if you're already in a relationship. Now that you've confessed feelings for each other, you no longer have a reason of protecting yourself from potential embarrassment. There's nothing wrong about admitting to your man that you want him to make love with you. It's going to please him and he'll make you happy in return. Where's the problem with that?

All relationships must be based on trust and as a result, you must trust your man. If you can't get a hold of him for an afternoon, don't immediately assume the worst. Chances are he was having a busy day at work and couldn't call you back. In addition, if you don't trust him, you run the risk of hurting his self-esteem and making you look like you are nagging all the time.

How to please your man instead of live with frustration and conflict? Work as a team. Teamwork means you help each other as much as possible, and you present a united front when it comes time to keep kids in line. Think of ways to improve your relationship with teamwork, and you'll enjoy your life together a lot more.

Do you know how to please your man, so that he will never want to stray from your side? Have you tried different things, but none of them have worked the way you want them to? Are you sick of worrying that your man is unhappy in your relationship and might leave you? The good news is, there are many ways to make your man happy. All it takes is a little bit of love, lots of attention to detail, and a little bit of time. Here are some great ways to make your guy fall down at your feet - and never want to leave!

Giving your guy the green light to spend time with his buddies is one of the fastest ways to enjoy a happy home life. Think about it: do you want to spend time with a guy who is sullen because the guys are out playing golf, or would you rather hang with a happy partner who is the envy of all the guys who "have to stay home"?

How to please your man? Spend valuable time reconnecting in private. Get a babysitter and a hotel room if you have to - but be sure you make time in your schedule for intimacy!

If you live with your guy, then make an effort to make your home a nice place to be. Old fashioned as it may sound, if you can make your nest a loving, friendly environment filled with things both of you love, then you are definitely headed for a happy ending.If you're still dating, and you want to know how to please your man, then find out what he really likes. Talk to him about what he needs in life, and be sure to have plenty of discussions regarding your future together.

Third, listen to him and give him complete attention. Men are not shy in what they want. As long as it is within your comfort level, do what he wants. Vocalize your adoration for his sexual qualities. Your already putting him at the center of the universe by giving him a blow job, you might as well inflate his ego more. Once again, this can also help you get into the proper mindset for pleasing your man.Lastly, be sure to use variety when pleasing your partner. Experiment with touching his erogenous zones while giving oral. Try using your hand or hands while performing too. Try going deep if you can and move back-and-forth from gentle to fast. Don't take forever though, men can easily become impatient if your romance is taking too long.

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