sâmbătă, 17 august 2013

Options Of Diabetes Treatment Detroit

By Helga Stokes

In consideration of diabetes treatment Detroit residents need to appreciate that there are two kinds of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In the type 1 version, beta cells found in the pancreas do not produce any insulin, or the production is negligibly small. The amounts are too small to do any regulation of blood glucose levels, which calls for injections with insulin. There are various types of insulin that work differently.

As for type 2, the body fails to produce adequate insulin, or the cells ignore any insulin that is produced, something that affects blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance is whereby the body cannot use insulin in a proper way. When it comes to insulin management, being active, maintenance of healthy body weight and proper eating is what individuals ought to aim at. Control of blood sugar is also achieved by pills.

Diet and exercise are the key areas to look at in the course of treatment. Contrary to what most diabetics do, emphasis should not be laid on the foods that should not be eaten, but on having a balanced diet. This ensures proper fueling of the body. Going to the gym and exercising are vital, but they are not the ultimate requirements. More focus should be on good physical shape, increase in level of activity as well as setting goals for weight and nutrition.

The diet needs to be broken down such that carbohydrates are given the highest percentage. Essentially, meals should have 50% carbohydrates, 20% proteins and less than 30% fats. Such diet is generally composed of what non-diabetics have. Foods to be included in higher quantities are vegetables, fruits, lean meat and dairy products. Magnesium and fats need consideration as well.

Exercise is one of the very essential components. Approximately thirty minutes of aerobic exercises each day will suffice. Besides having numerous benefits on the body, exercising regulates blood sugar levels. Ideally, exercises that are prolonged and intensive would give the best results. Nevertheless, studies have shown that small increments of activities that are less intensive are equally beneficial. Lest one destabilize levels of glucose, any change of mode of exercising needs careful consideration.

There is the technique known as insulin pump therapy that is used in management of this condition. The device known as insulin pump is the size of a small phone that gets worn externally. It serves to deliver small doses of rapid acting insulin that matches the needs of the body. The technique offers increased flexibility and gives better control. With it also comes fewer injections and better predictability of insulin absorption.

Yet another very effective technique is continuous glucose monitoring, CGM. People that are not suffering from diabetes have their bodies tracking levels of glucose every time to ensure insulin is released in a timely manner. For diabetics, there is need for a monitoring system for successful blood glucose management. CGM effectively helps in this. The device has a glucose sensor, a transmitter and monitor that used for display.

In consideration of diabetes treatment Detroit residents ought to know that the condition is perfectly manageable. Millions of people live very normal lives with it. Most importantly, there needs to be consistency for the entire period of treatment.

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