vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Army Veteran Writes Tender Love Story.

By Barbie Toscano

Recently, I had the good fortune to read Some Glad Morning, a novel by Gary C. Horton. Rarely have I been so moved by a work of fiction. I was told it was a love story and that was what I expected. However, I quickly realized it was much more than that.

Some Glad Morning reminds me of the bestseller Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, but with more heart, more soul. Some Glad Morning has a magical way of touching us down deep.

Ransom MacTavish is the main character of Some Glad Morning. He's a poor innocent when the story opens and immediately captures our heart as we willingly follow him from a dirt poor farm to fight in the First World War. On the battlefield, he comes to possess love letters from a wealthy Charleston Lady. Returning home, Ransom battles monsters of greed and racism as time and again he proves himself worthy.

To say Some Glad Morning is a love story is selling it short. It is really the quest of a hero for his lady but with a delightfully surprising twist you will never see coming. Most off all, Some Glad Morning has a heart and speaks deeply to the human condition. Some Glad Morning gives us hope.

Much of Ransom's difficulty is caused by his uncompromising integrity as he battles stupidity, racism, poverty and greed. Ultimately, through Ransom's courage, we are comforted with a heartwarming message of hope.

Within a few sentences you will realize you are in the hands of a seasoned storyteller, a master of his craft. The characters are rendered flawlessly and the settings richly visual and charged with emotion. There are countless unforgettable scenes in Some Glad Morning, but one you will never get out of your mind is the battlefield scene of Ransom attending to his dying lieutenant.

After reading Some Glad Morning, I felt reassured. Like enduring novels from the past, Some Glad Morning lifted my spirit. It gave me pause and moved me to reflect on my closest relationships and what I expected from myself.

I saw how each one of us is on a journey and we are tested to see if we are strong enough to go the distance for our greatest love. Some Glad Morning is a tremendous story, one I'm sure you will remember for a long time.

About the Author:

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