joi, 19 septembrie 2013

Finding Inspiration For Your Wedding Colors

By Jason Larrsohn

Planning a wedding in Las Vegas isn't as easy as a lot of guys assume it is. Many assume that the girl has had the wedding planned for her entire life.

Not every Vegas wedding goes smoothly though. Papers are lost/forgotten, people can't get to the city in time, or venues become completely full.

It's always quite the awakening for them to realize that not every girl has done that. In fact, many haven't put much thought into it at all.

It's not that they don't relish the dream of it happening, they just don't dwell on the details, thinking to take care of them when the right time comes. Once the day comes though, it can become extremely difficult for the girl to make even the most "basic" of decisions.

As romantic as it may seem to be married on a holiday, won't it be nicer to create something special out of a normal weekend? That way you have one more holiday to look forward to in the years to come.

There are a number of outside influences for your wedding you could use to help determine the colors you want for your Las Vegas wedding. The following are three of the easiest to examine for guidance. First, look to your flowers for inspiration. What flowers will be in your bouquet?

So the next question is how identify what colors look good together. Luckily, there's a lot of help where this is concerned.

If you're coming from colder areas of the country, it likely won't be as uncomfortable as you might fear, especially when you're layered in a dress or tux. The cold is mild, but the heat is extreme.

It places the most alike colors close to each other. The further you move from that color, the more opposite the color becomes, until you reach the exact opposite side.

That exact opposite color is considered a complement. It means that the colors will work extremely well together.

Fifth, if you want to feed your guests, and you want to make sure they're full, consider booking one of the hotel's buffets for the group. Many have private areas set aside to host parties of all shapes and sizes.

Perhaps your color schemes can be in honor of your mom. She would love it, and just as long as it's okay with you, it could bring you two closer, especially since the bond of using the mother's dress has faded as of late. So look at other aspects of the wedding for inspiration for your colors. You'll find it much easier to choose in these circumstances.

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