duminică, 27 octombrie 2013

Eyelash Growth Enhancers Give Women Hope That They Can Have The Long, Thick Eyelashes That They Yearn For.

By Michele Villacorta

Does it seem to take forever to apply your mascara because your eyelashes are getting thinner and shorter? If you are, you are not alone - many women wonder how to make eyelashes longer and are asking : How can I get thicker eyelashes? What can be done to make eyelashes grow longer? What are the safest and best eyelash growth products?

Also, it makes a woman look older than she is. All women know this and therefore they look for eyelash growth products to help them grow beautiful eyelashes. In fact many women are so passionate about growing eyelashes that an eyelash grower is one of their most essential cosmetics.

Phase one: Anagen Growth Phase. We also refer to this phase as the "active growth phase." During this phase, over 30% of your eyelashes are briskly growing and regenerating. This an extended phase, which can continue for as long as seven weeks.

Phase two: Catagen Growth Cycle. During this time, your eyelashes stop growing. In fact your follicles begin to shrink and retract. We refer to this as the "lag phase." This phase is short, lasting a mere three weeks. Phase three: Telogen Growth Stage. This is the last stage prior to the release of the eyelashes. After this, your eyelashes begin to fall out. This sounds scary, until you realize that your eyelashes are all individually in their own phase.

Reported side effects are darkening of the eye lid skin, darkening of the iris, itching, mild burning, dryness or redness of the eye. Continued use of the product is required to attain maximum results. Once application of the product has stopped, the eye lid skin darkening may fade and eyelashes will revert to their original condition.

Therefore, if your eyelashes and eyebrows have reached their maximum length, attempts at growing eyelashes using eyelash growth enhancers could prove to be futile. Mostly, a person has no control about the length of their eyelashes or the rate of growth.

Overall, the healthier your lifestyle, the quicker your eyelashes return. People who engage in unhealthy behaviors tend to have very slow eyelash growth. Thus, whether your eyelashes will grow in slowly or quickly depends wholly on your lifestyle and dietary habits. It can also depend on the other factors which can bring on eyelash loss.

Eyelash growth enhancers are applied around the eye area so special care must be taken to ensure that the product is of the highest quality.

You should be careful to read the ingredients contained in the products and be aware of any possible side effects. The first two products mentioned above may cause hyperpigmentation of the eye lid skin and, if used incorrectly or without doctor supervision, Latisse could cause permanent eye damage. Because the long-term side effects for eyelash growth products that include bimataprost and trinorprosta are not known at this time, the safest solution to eyelash hypotrichosis is a natural eyelash product without harsh chemicals.

So now you know how to make eyelashes longer and thicker with safe, natural eyelash products. Your best choice to make eyelashes grow without harmful side effects that can affect your vision, change the color of your eye and/or eye lid skin is Wonderlash.

If your eyelashes haven't grown back in that amount of time, they likely aren't going to make a reappearance. Due to the clipped time frame, you'll want to maximize your growth. There has been some success with good eyelash conditioner. Some individuals report this increases eyelash growth.

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