duminică, 6 octombrie 2013

How To Make A Popular Girl Like You

By Darwin van Panhuis

Have you ever wanted to know how to make a girl like you? If you have you probably asked yourself the question, "is it possible for any guy to make a girl like him?"My answer to the second question is an emphatic yes. Not only do I believe that any guy can make a girl like him, I also believe he can do this with any girl.This may seem like an over the top belief, but I promise you it's true. I could make a list of seduction masters who were or are less than desirable on the surface, but I think there is a much better way of proving it to you.Go to the most popular mall in your town and take a good look around. Notice the beautiful girls that are walking around and then notice the guys they're with. Take a quick second and grade those guys on their looks.

For her to take notice of you, you will have to be very confident. Why would she go out with a guy who is a wimp? So, work on your confidence and be absolutely self assured when you are around her.You will fade in the background if you are not the leader. It is only leaders who get noticed and it is only leaders who get all the popular girls. Dunk the notion of being in the herd and following a pattern. Set your own methods and make your own notions and let people around you follow them. Make sure that the popular girl is around when all this action is happening.

So if it's not looks, then what is it? Is it money? No! Is it luck? No! And it's none of the other limiting beliefs that you have developed either.I believe there are four things that any man can do to make him infinitely more successful with women. They take time to master, but are worth every second. The first quality you must gain as a budding pick up artist is to develop the characteristics of an Alpha male.There are many unique qualities that alpha males possess but at their core, they are simply just men who live life on their own terms. They have inner references that they adhere to and don't look to others for social acceptance. They are leaders. There is a lot of literature available on this Topic but I believe that there is one key difference. Alpha males are not needy. If you eliminate neediness you will already have the main characteristic of an alpha male.

At this stage, there's a need to reinforce your mystique with spontaneity. Use spontaneity as your foundation to approach every conversation, moments of eye contact, and, hopefully, and one-on-one personal time. I assure you, this will keep her continuously craving more of you, and this is a good thing. It is exactly what you want to get a girl to like you and want to know more.Now that you have got her attention and have created a thirst of curiosity, you need to seal off all your efforts with creativity. Creativity ensures that you maintain this newly found kinship. Now, the good thing about creativity is that it works pretty much like a fingerprint. It is as individual as each individual. Don't worry about anyone else; you can bring it like you. No one else can touch that and this will be one of the key things she likes about you in comparison to anyone else.

You will also have to look like a good package...one that is worth chasing if you want to attract a girl that you like. So look the part and dress to kill.You might not be the most popular guy around but being a complete recluse is not going to help. Look like a fun guy who has friends and you will have a popular girl inching towards you.They say that men have only one thing on their minds - and in your case it's absolutely true.Whether you can't stop thinking about that wonderful woman at work or your eyes keep being drawn to the gorgeous girl across the room, your crush has become all-consuming. She is all that you can think about. And now you want to know: are you all that she can think about, too?

The fourth quality yo must instill in yourself is grooming. Most guys believe that women are primarily motivated by a guys looks. The truth is that personal grooming is much more important than genetic good-looks. Make sure your nails are cut, your hair is the way it should be, your clothes are on point, your teeth are brushed and you're showered and smelling great. Think about maximizing your physical qualities. If you need to get an eyebrow wax, go get one! If you need to change your hair style or clothing style, do it! Don't be afraid to make changes.If you can study and master these four elements you'll know exactly how to make a girl like you.

Some people say that you can't learn how to make a girl like you that it's impossible to force someone to feel a certain way. If you have the right amount of confidence, though, you can make yourself more favorable in her eyes. You can increase your chances with a girl if you have the right mind set. There are also certain things to say to make women want you. For instance, you can increase your chances with her just by keeping the conversation positive! Avoid using negative words when talking to a girl.

Watch for flirtatious body language. Many girls fiddle with their hair when they're attracted to a man. Some will start stroking their own arm, neck or face distractedly, while shy girls will blush whenever you look their way.Now, let's make conversation with her. When an assertive chick wants your attention she will become loud and start laughing at even the weakest of your jokes; quieter girls may stammer or stutter when trying to speak to you.

Be sure to listen to her. If you want to know how to attract girls, you need to remember the small details. This is one of the quickest and simplest ways to gain her trust. Remembering details involves listening to what she has to say, remembering the things she likes, noticing the things she wears, etc. Be sure to bring the details up in later conversations.Women love a funny guy. Even if you don't think you have a good sense of humor, you can always still try to be funny. Always be in a good mood whenever you're around the girl you like. You can make a girl like you by maintaining a fun, positive attitude. They will enjoy being around you.

Before you even go out, you have to make sure that you can be confident about the way you look in case you meet an attractive woman at your destination. If you have to make a decision between being ten minutes late for a date 'coz you had to take a shower and arriving there on time in your work clothes, by all means be late. Any woman will appreciate the fact that you took time to look presentable. When spending time with a woman, your clothes should be clean and well-pressed and you should make sure that you do not give off any unpleasant body odour. It would also help if you spent time at the gym on a regular basis.

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