miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Hydroponics Using Hydro LED Light

By Catalina Nielsen

Hydro LED light is the technique of practicing Hydroponics for the growth of plants using Lumen Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Named after its purpose, such lights are also commonly referred to as Grow Lights, as they enable the growth of the plants by providing them with the energy necessary for nourishment. In a hydroponic garden, a high intensity grow Lumen is designed to simulate sunlight.

The term Hydroponics is an extension to Hydro culture which is a practice of growing plants in a soilless medium. The soil nutrients required for the growth of the plants are supplied via water, and distributed using capillary action in case of Hydro culture and any other form of pumping mechanism in case of Hydroponics.

The grow lights or the LED lights play the most important role of the Lumen feed to carry out the process of photosynthesis, which is instrumental for growth of life and formation of energy from combination of carbon dioxide and water, and is necessary for plant growth.

Different types of of grow lamps are available to purchase. A few of the grow lamps other than LEDs, and their characteristics are listed below. Incandescent bulbs: They emit bright white Lumen at relatively high temperatures. High-Intensity Discharge (HID): HID bulbs last longer and emit more usable light. They contain mercury vapor inside them and hence, a breakage could release the toxic vapors into the atmosphere.

The LED lights are long lasting, durable, consume less power, and have the ability to emit Lumen of a particular frequency of color spectrum. In spite of being small in size and emitting less heat, they offer a high luminous efficiency. These characteristics make it easy to believe that the LED light is an optimal choice amongst the available grow lights.

Different plants prefer diverse colors of luminosity at various stages of their growth. The LEDs are capable of providing the required colored Lumen by using adjustable filters applied on sets of individual LEDs. The flexibility of LEDs to emit the customized spectrum of light waves can fuel the right growth for the plant.

There are various wattages of grow lights, which is a measure of the number of lumens that the light will create. Lumen is the unit of measure used to illustrate the quantity of perceptible light emitted by a resource. Knowing this, it is important to establish some essential information before owning a grow Lumen. Foremost, the demands of the plants need to be taken into account if they favor a lot of illumination like tomatoes or less brightness like lettuce. Next, the size of the grow room must be considered, so as to make just the right amount of Lumen available to the plants.

To summarize, the future of hydro LED light is as bright as the LED light itself. A soilless technique is not only resistant to soil-borne insects, but is easier to maintain and requires less land space. Added to this, the artificial lighting system can help supplement sunlight in winter seasons or evenings and also replace it completely wherever required.

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