vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

Jack Van Impe False Prophet Teachings

By Rhea Solomon

There are many people that utilize religion as a way to exert their own teachings on other people. Many of these so called church leaders have hidden agendas behind their messages. They demand from their followers to do what ever they instruct them to do, and to never question what they say. Questioning their message is equivalent to disowning God. That is why some people have Jack Van Impe false prophet criticisms. They believe that he is the equivalent of many cult leaders in the past who have exploited their members.

For people who are not aware of this religious leader, he is a Christian televangelist. Some of his teachings can be considered quite controversial. Many people believe he uses Biblical scripture in order to exert his own personal agenda. This is the case with most hoax leaders. They try to twist traditional teachings to fit their own hidden plans.

Another complaint people have of this teacher is his method of controlling members of his group. He has been accused of using his own media to try and persuade people to share his beliefs. Aside from his television network, he also has a film company that produces low budget films. These films have a strong Christian message behind them.

The common theme that surround these movies is about people of today's society. It usually talks about how our modern world is doomed. This is because people choose to live immoral lives. The movies are highly critical of today's lifestyles, pop culture, and even governments. It highly discourages its members to be a part of this.

Teaching this causes division among the church members and people who are not of that church. One might think the leaders are causing a phobia of people who are not attending their church. This may lead some people to believe that these leaders are performing a type of brainwashing on its members. Avoiding any contact of any outside influence from the church guarantees the church leaders to have full control of its members without any distractions.

Another controversy with the way he teaches his beliefs with his members is his emphasis on Armageddon, or the battle of good and evil in the book of Revelations. According to him, the world is headed for this doom based on the current news that on television nowadays.

Some might think he is installing fear in his members. This gives him a tighter control over them. This is why many people criticize him for his techniques.

All of these teachings make the Jack Van Impe false prophet accusations seem more real. His teachings at times appear to be a bit radical. This type of preaching also hurts his church and his members.

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